Win Trading Question 1: Draws

in Hive Polls7 months ago

When a player is matched against themselves in a ranked, brawl, or a tournament battle is it acceptable for them to put in a 1 summoner, 1 unit team to take a draw?

  • Yes
  • No

With this poll my question is what is the other thing they should be doing. I'd love to see non yes-no polls. Like tell me the different options for how people are supposed to interact in different situations.

Some of the other polls are more than Yes / No. I am finding it interesting that on this poll 100% of the people say that it's not acceptable to put in 1/1 teams and draw yourself, but in this poll

Where the largest majority of the votes implies that draws are the most acceptable course of action.

I wonder if it's my fault for the order in which I put the polls, maybe I need to get better at making polls, or people don't like the draw/draw situation but of all the options we currently have it is the best.

These community polls will be a learning process for us as a community, but hopefully, they will become an important community tool as well as a way to help get more players to interact with the blockchain.

I have the same question; what's the alternative here?

Think the only other option is to make it so that the player has be sure that he never gets a match against another account he plays.

how is possible to make sure that you will never be able to play versus yourself in tournament xD

Don't enter with more then 1 account.

I would say that both teams need to submit legit teams and not the same team order.

Maybe don't play with multiple accounts in the same tournament? Don't put your accounts in the same fray in Brawls? Don't queue two accounts in ranked at the same time?
Those are options that come to my mind. 😇

Unless a player is on leaderboard, there was really not much of a reason for them to match against themselves unless they space out and play their alt even if their other account was still searching for a match and resulted to match themselves. Either way, both accounts use 2 their energy but only won a single match when they could have win both if they match with other players. Of course the opposite could also happen and they could also lose both match but we can't really know. At the end, matching with an alt account could be less likely to happen with new players adding more liquidity which is what we need to focus on.

Regarding brawls, I think there are more factors to consider since there are times that assigning frays is decided by the guild leader/co leader and also based on what collection those accounts have, making the frays they can enter pretty much decided. I also think that 1 win/loss due to wt in brawl does not have that much of an impact to the overall result of the brawl since brawl result depends on the overall performance of the other guild members.

Now, for the tournaments, while I like having tournaments free to enter, if there are entry fee just like before just like before, this will disincentivize people from entering with multiple accounts.

Multis are just as bad as bots and need to be banned.

I would say a player that is multi accounting and faces themselves should take a loss on both sides. In ranked this is easy to avoid, don't search for battles at the same time. For tournaments, we have to consider that a draw is preferred over a loss in a tournament, so players getting a draw against themselves in tournaments get an unfair advantage - a draw means a guaranteed NON LOSS for BOTH accounts. I think this is unfair to other tournament players.

Btw one alternative for this is that you hide the name of the opponent you're battling with, just like in Ranked. But even if we did that, I still think the teams should be "legit" (i.e. more than 1 summoner / 1 unit).