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RE: Would the DHF funding brick and mortar businesses that generate ROI make sense?

in Hive Polls6 months ago

Sure. People will get behind a great idea, even if 99% of it doesn't make sense to them. Just make it sound cool.

And I'm sitting here thinking, has a smart contract ever been connected to a power meter before or am I just inventing something I have no way of building.

Hmmm. I saw a blog post once where roelandp (if my memory serves me right) connected his kombucha brewing operation to a blockchain for some strange reason. Maybe he'd know...


Something like this requires a lot more than just funding. I'd have fun brainstorming with people and probably learn a lot. Right now there's no possible way to come up with a plan that has all the bases covered.

I do agree with what you said.


has a smart contract ever been connected to a power meter

Hmm. Doesnt chainlink does some stuff like that with their oracles?

Something like this requires a lot more than just funding. I'd have fun brainstorming with people and probably learn a lot

if, lets say the idea is to build a powerplant, this size of a project that we would need to make it worthville would need across the board agreement. Not just passing the DHF proposal. that is my fear with any big ideas.
Going through the scrutiny it would require to get it off the ground in the public forum. Clicking vote on a DHF proposal is easy. Getting everyone to get behind it is the difficult part.

Something like a solar plant. Can't build that and walk away from it expecting it to do its thing forever. Still endless maintenance. Imagine how difficult it would be to get someone on sight if there's a problem. Who's doing the hiring and firing. It wouldn't be like water wells where there's an entire community able keep things running smoothly or report a problem in a timely manner to the right people.

So I'm thinking we should build a dam instead. And if there's a problem we can just write up another dam proposal. Get the whole dam community behind this. Get some dam funding.

Dam problems would be catastrophic. Forget that dam idea.

So here's a thought. Phone booths. Let's bring those back. The basic idea with something like that is you can build 1000 identical units (markymark has a 3d printer and probably knows things about wires), plop them down in public. If one gets destroyed it can be replaced. Much easier to maintain. And when was the last time you saw a destroyed phone booth and didn't wonder wtf happened there. So even when the systems are down at least the Hive name is still out there lol. And of course this would be offering modern communications. Solar powered of course. Hide a cell phone jammer inside so people actually need it (but don't tell anyone that part).

Okay so once again I'm not being 100% serious. Maybe 30%.

So I'm thinking we should build a dam instead. And if there's a problem we can just write up another dam proposal. Get the whole dam community behind this. Get some dam funding.


An old school arcade. Games, billiards, pinball, the works. Modernized, of course.

The beauty with something like that is the general public has already grown accustomed to walking up to counter and exchanging their money for, tokens.

Game devs here then have a venue as well and can build for that market. I could buy some shelf space, sell shirts with my art on it from all the way over here.

I'd take something like that seriously but again, getting it off the ground in this fashion you've outlined here seems like the biggest hurdle.

It could potentially be the first truly decentralized business. And you don't need to stop at one location. A chain store on a blockchain.

The beauty with something like that is the general public has already grown accustomed to walking up to counter and exchanging their money for, tokens.

So you literally have them exchange it for them into Hive tokens.

Why the hell not? Why wouldnt this work?

Yeah. I'll call it Crypto Coin-op. Interested in a few laundromats as well? And of course factor in all the inherent perks and the ability to take these funds outside of the establishment and use them elsewhere. Don't have to pay staff to empty the machines. Self check in/out. Get the token in more hands, you can expand to vending machines. Phone booths lol.

Im actually going to go and try something like this.. Who knows, maybe it passes. Might even have it ready before Hivefest. Might set a precedant for stuff like your idea here.