Would the DHF funding brick and mortar businesses that generate ROI make sense?

in Hive Polls8 months ago (edited)

I just want to put something out there. I wont go into too much detail but this is something brought on by talking to @detlev about a brewery that launched an NFT project and from that they offer their holders free beer every set time period.

Now.. what this essentially is.... is using crypto to fund a business that then pays the investor with their product.
What we could do is similar. DHF funds a business. That business can in turn buy Hive, maybe burn it with part of income.

So what could this business be? Well... anything. Your idea is as good as mine.

  • Brewery is a working example.
  • What about Solar Power plants? Thats a ROI of 10-15%. Put up Bitcoin miners. Goes up to 30%.
  • Self service car wash? About 20-30%.

For each of these businesses you already get a business to accept HBD/HIVE payments and its generating investment.

No where does it state that a DHF funded business needs to be in the digital realm.

Arent our charity projects, like the Boreholes essentially brick and mortar? Charity doesnt generate profit. But what if something brick and mortar could?

Let me know what you think.

Does it make sense?


Bringing money INTO Hive? This makes too much sense.

Well, lets see how much HP we can get to vote the poll. maybe theres actual support for trying something like this.

I have a variation on this idea.

Might be cool if the DHF (and maybe along with individual Hive accounts) could fund the launch of a new product line in one of the existing stores in Venezuela which is already a proven success in using the Hive ecosystem for payments. Or maybe an existing store that wants to open a second location. Kind of building on currently established successes.

Sucre VE is showing us how using HIVE in stores is done! https://peakd.com/trending/hivesucre #hivesucre

I'd be interested in being a Venture Capitalist in a Hive related store. :)

Can make this happen in Rosarito Mexio. Am onboarding businesses fast now. In a couple weeks will have my first workshop to onboard new users to spend hbd in these businesses. One is a clothing shop. She would absolutely be willing to accept hive at a discount for payment for her line of clothing

Instead of "spending" we need more buying. Otherwise, with the dumping continuing there won't be much "spending" in a couple of years.

The only way this results in buying is by the businesses being shown that they can put some of the money spent in their businesses into hive power. After that, once they see the way they can reward their customers with hive power votes, they should start to accumulate over time

Good luck. Doubt it will work other than just increasing selling pressure but I would love to be proven wrong

The more businesses that use it the more workshops can be run to teach their clients how to spend, the more spending, the more money velocity, the more distribution, the more network effect, the more hive power needed to be staked for transactions, the higher the hive price.

It’s not easy, but the path is clear

Yeah. I mean this is exactly the kind of thing im seeing being possible.

If its commerically viable product and can generate revenue its worth a look.

Already did this with Metamerch and various others in the works right now. With my own money. Oh, I funded Hive Sucre also. Except, because it is with my own money, it isn't 'gimme 500k from public money and pocket most of it myself' kinda gig.

You have done quite a lot! Pleased to "meet" you. I have seen Metamerch and was impressed with what they have started. I see you're the liketu founder, which I have seen everywhere but have not tried yet.

Anyway, Followed you, and will see you around the Hive. Wishing you continued success!

So what could this business be?

A review platform, that allows to earn by giving reviews and spend them at restaurants, businesses etc would be a good implementation.

Already have it: https://spendhbd.social.gifts/ for getting paid for your reviews of businesses


https://distriator.com for claiming discounts on your spends

Then the next step would be market it, which is the biggest challenge. So for example, if I want to circulate it around my city, how would I start ? May be we need some funds to set up a business that would list down different business, advertise and also a office to train people to utilize them ?

The instructions are in the following two blogs: (the more businesses you onboard the more you get paid from the money claimed there, the more workshops you run, the more you get paid from the claims of the people you onboarded:



Heard about Distriator , so time has come to check out, however, how does tax regulations affect this ? For example in my country any crypto gift is taxed at 30%.

I like it a lot! Especially if there is a deal that part of the income is used to buy back Hive (or burn them) or HBD and use those as treasury replacing part of cash.
Better then rally cars!

That is the essential idea. I just threw in some things that Ive been looking at in the past.. A self service car wash has low maintenance cost, about 30% ROI and how many hundreds of cars pass through in a single day? You could literally cover it with Hive colors and promos.

A solar powerplant similar thing although it would be a major project. With about 30% of the DHF funds you can create 1.5 million USD yearly buy pressure on Hive and then burn it all. You dont even have a customer. You dont need it. You have the sun as your top investor.😂

Now... This isnt something that anyone has ever presented as an idea here and its completely out of the box stuff but I genuinely think something of this type could work.

Rather than burning, why not recycle? Take money out. Put money in.


Would that not be a hilarious way of ensuring the well never dries up?

Why stop at one solar plant?

Free power to run the chain as well?

Goddammit Gump. You're a goddamn genius.

We spend all the DHF funds. 30 million on solar power. Lets say that dumps the Hive price to 10 cents. Your income yearly 5 million USD. Thats about 50 million Hive burned. Hive is now a deflationary currency at what -10% yearly. We FUD our own chain so no one buys, keep the price at 10 cents. In 5 years there is zero Hive available on the market. 1 Hive is worth 100 million USD.

Impeccable maths! 😂

No. Actual business trumps crypto degen shit all day long and into next year. How do I know?

Impeccable histories!

Good luck working the semantics, logistics and finding someone legit willing to undertake such a task. This place is mostly full of idiots with zero business dna and those who aren't don't care/lazy/too disappointed to try something serious

I like your positive attitude :)

Maybe but would it be legal and follow laws most likely not and would it open the hive blockchain up to legal issues maybe. If you were going to do this it should be done via a layer two token and not with DHF funds

There would be minor legal obstacles that are very simple to get around in the worst case scenario. Legally youre not obligated to explain what you do with your funds as long as its not a criminal enterprise. You can flush your money down the toilet if you want.

Im not proposing doing anything. Im just seeing this as a potentially valid course of action.

Probably the only really good dhf idea like forever. Good luck working the logistics and semantics though, even for something "simple" like a solar panel btc farm.

The solar farm is a pretty simple thing to do. Its basically key in hand and it runs on its own with 1 person checking the miners. but for it to make a dent in the buy pressure we would have to spend at least a few million USD.

The thing is that it would be really hard to convince the whales to go for this because its so outside the box thinking that the fear of the unusual will turn them off. Maybe im wrong. Maybe I just dont have the balls to push the idea further. :D

https://hivepay.io could be a help to these business. What I have come to realize is that you need to target a community that hang around each other to get the best results. People are more likely to do things their peers are doing. That is why I have been a big fan of what is going on in Venezuela and Africa with HIVE community projects.

I dont think we should be looking at this as helping anyone. In fact we should not be looking to help businesses but that it should work the other way around. Funding for a part of the ROI.

Of course funding a brick & mortar makes sense if you are into the product they are paying with =)

But for now I'm not focused on DHF for a brick & mortar (like SPL haha) but is something we need to finally finish Splinterlands as a decentralized game ON HIVE that can sustain itself through the DAO! It is a bit sad that now Day 1 has passed and the threshold was missed on Yabap proposal.

Hoping Hivefest can turn some heads and change some minds! The game is more fun to me now than it ever has been and all this talk of leaving Hive is maddening. I've made myself quite at home here.

@detlev are we talking about the friends of Beerchain? Do they still (or gain) operate?

No @uwelang these guys did something different. Metabrew or MetaBrew Society is the project.

As beer is something I like - you might saw this during the last years after you moved me to Hive - I look into beer related projects.

This one is cool and let me do a post about the details.

We talked about @metabrew and I still try to get they into Hive.

Their model was selling some NFT where you get a real world benefit each year.

That company sold a NFT on ETH for around 2.5k€ and you get a kickback each year with a huge amount of beer delivered to your door free of change.

Maybe we have something more about that case at an Event in a country I just travel. ;-)