What do you think is the best way to have a League system in Splinterlands?

in Hive Polls2 months ago

Currently there is a poll running to determine if SPS stakers want to return to the old system of Leagues with card level caps and leaderboard prizes. It's been brought to my attention that the poll is flawed and that the community would like to see a poll with more options. Please select which choice you prefer from the options below:

Don't change anything

Simple enough, keep things exactly as they are.

Bring back card level caps per league.

Keep things as they are, but bring back card level caps so you can't have higher level cards in lower level leagues.

Bring back card level caps per league with leaderboard prizes.

Return to the system as it was before the team made the recent changes to remove league restrictions, including bringing back individual leaderboards to each league.

Combine Champ + Diamond and choose your league.

Allow players to simply pick a league they wish to play in.
(I think leagues would need to have minimum card levels for this option to be viable and avoid potential exploitation.)

Choose your league.

Allow players to simply pick a league they wish to play in. Maintain Diamond and Champ as 2 separate leagues.
(I think leagues would need to have minimum card levels for this option to be viable and avoid potential exploitation. I also think it would make more sense to combine Diamond and Champion to avoid potential match liquidity issues.)


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I think the best short-term solution would be to bring back card level caps per league while also allowing players to choose which league to participate in (other than Champ).

Yea I have personally always felt diamond and champ are redundant. I'd rather see them combined personally, that's option 4. Pick a league and it's just basically "bronze, silver, gold, diamond/champ (whatever we want to call the top end)"

Question about #4. You mentioned MINIMUM card levels? So to play in gold, you must have at LEAST silver level cards, for instance?

Does this address people with max level cards playing in bronze/silver?

I mean you'd need to have "silver level cards to play in silver" instead of just say... having a bunch of 1 bcx cards go straight into diamond like we saw bots doing in wild.


I was curious why there are so many people that complain about max decks in siver, i looked at a few accounts and this is what i found, see screenshot, it seems that some accounts only have 2 or 3 max level summoners and can win with those with the right rulesets.

All other matches they play with lower level cards or not optimal teams for those ruleset and loose, that way they stay in silver and silver players keep seeing these max level teams in their league.

Not sure what can be done about that, but i hope that some see this and use this info to reach a good decision.

A better system will be on account's power — better rewards for those owning more cards and fighting & winning with others with similar options.

Bring back card level caps per league with LB prizes, but, to avoid all the problems of the past (inflation, win-trading etc) make the LB prizes be Glint, Glint + merits, maybe a golden reward card from the current set to the top 5.