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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Cottage on the Hill

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

Looks like it must have been empty for years, but must be isolated enough to not attract many visitors. Nice time capsule, if an odd mixture.

My family's first VCR was a Sony Betamax. I remember taping Live Aid on it and years later I used it to turn my Amiga monitor into a TV. It's long gone now.


My family's first VCR was a Sony Betamax. I remember taping Live Aid on it

Live Aid.. that's '85? About the time I acquired my Ferguson Videostar. They are antiques now. I'm sure mine had fallen of the back of a lorry, it came from a dubious source.

There were several competing standards back then. Some didn't get far. We were mostly just taping stuff for ourselves, so format didn't matter as long as we could get tapes. Still got a VHS deck in the loft.