Tales of the Urban Explorer: Ivy House Farm

“What’s that over there?”

Both of us had spotted it, and it looked like a big nothing. If you don’t look, then you don’t find.


@anidiotexplores had been down this road previously but had never stopped. It looked unappetising, to say the least.

Was it a large barn, full of cow shit, pig shit, or any other type of shit? Let me tell you, I don't go for animal dung in any flavour, even if it's spiced with some of that salted caramel you tend to find in expensive overpriced coffee shops such as Starbucks.


I dumped the car on a grass verge. This was the wilderness and there was little choice. Close by was a detached property, very lived in and likely housed a tribe of multiple-generation Karens. Initially, we kept well away.


'Private Keep Out', could mean there was something worth looking at and this forlorn rusty bar written with white paint was hardly going to do the trick of deterring us.

There were several buildings, each in a different stage of decomposition. One looked like a garage, was wide open and so we entered.


The ghetto blaster may well still work and claims to be a dual tape system, but I only see one tape deck included. A strong gust of wind would do wonders for it.


Suspicious-looking documents, I was always going to have a peek at these.


A-Level Physics from 24 years ago. Not quite your subject @revisesociology but it should look somewhat familiar.


Further inside I found the notes of the student, a little damp and runny but still quite legible.


If you are studying in a freezing garage, then you do need a little sustenance. The Blue Cheese biscuits could be a little far gone, and I wasn’t going to prise off the rusty lid to check.



This paper does have some markings present. Was this a teacher, who lived in a garage and did the marking here?


It must have been quite chilly living here, there’s not even a door.


We left the open garage and struggled to get inside another smaller building close by. After struggling with fierce brambles, the reward wasn’t so good.


The roof looked like it was about to cave in and yet a light bulb cheerfully hung in its socket.

I heard a yell from @anidiotexplores and guessed he must have found something a little more interesting. Hoping it was not a pile of stinking rancid manure topped with fresh cherries and a dab of double cream I headed in the direction of his voice.

This barn or garage or hut did contain an unlocked door and I entered a room teeming with discarded decaying goods.


Some kid's toys, with a whole bunch of ancient CRT TVs on the floor.


Just look at those, the Nintendo Scope immediately got my eye, but there was some dodgy cable loitering around the outside of the box. I know these peripherals have some value.


It was quite a shit game; I remember it more from the Commodore Amiga. The PC didn’t do so well in the early nineties.


These got my attention even more, they were in great condition and not slime-filled like I usually find. This is one of the only times I have been tempted to take something away from an exploration.

I used to buy these things on junk markets and offload them on eBay years ago. I did resist.


The Sega Megadrive looked beat up but likely still works. I didn’t see the power supply unit.


Large boy’s toys; possibly valuable but not my thing.


If it would have started ringing, now that would have been freaky.

...'I know you are in there you bastards..., I am coming for you'....


It's tough to read but in the same era as the exam papers, and dated 1997.


Talk about old shit for a car boot sale. I do wonder if any of these work. You might think the elements might render them useless but in my experience, they tend to be more resilient than you think.


Is there supposed to be a large gap between the space bar and the bottom of this typewriter? Makes it easy to carry I guess.


Just when I thought I would need to devise a cheesy name for this one, I find an invoice book. The postcode does correlate with the location, so this is ‘Ivy House Farm’.

Unfortunately, there was little of the farm left, and that included the farmhouse. Unless… it was just one A Level Physics teacher who lived alone, and occasionally played Risk and Sonic the Hedgehog while watching TV on EIGHT different sets while cooking TV dinners in any of FOUR microwave ovens.

It takes all sorts, and I find them all the time.


My assumptions could be a little wayward. A girl’s bike and all those Tonka toys also live here.


While marking exam papers, why not have some extra loud metal music from one of several ghetto blasters kicking about? This one could chew up your Metallica tapes when playing which could make them sound even better.


It looked unused. The location is quite remote, maybe he forgot to send it back for a refund?


A treasure trove of junk, some albeit with value; we left the barn, or hut or garage, or whatever it was closing the door firmly behind us.


This was as far as we could get on the far side of 'Ivy House Farm' without alerting the local busybodies. It was a large house with a massive tended garden. We knew they would be out with pitchforks in seconds.


FOOTNOTE: This location was leaked, and some thieving bastards took everything of value shortly after we visited. Cunts.


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Fantastic time capsule, ruined by the tourbus and goontube twats that alas call themselves Urban explorers. I loved playing road rash, jump on a motorbike and knock fuck out of your opponent with chains and clubs and win the race. Happy days

Road Rash got a lot of love in those days.., and yeah.. this place is fucked now. A mistake was made and that was it.

shit happens.

Just when I thought I would need to devise a cheesy name for this one, I find an invoice book. The postcode does correlate with the location, so this is ‘Ivy House Farm’.


You and your staunch friend eloquence!...

Damn, it's a strange place... It brought back so many memories of the 90's!... Those video games, the notes written in notebooks, the old televisions and microwaves, the magnetic tape cassette players... And that "exquisite" typewriter!... What a "farm" with strange and diverse things...

As always, a hilarious and crazy delight to read your article and even more to see those chromatically supreme photos...

thanks for sharing @slobberchops friend!!!!... You're a "crack" author!

!discovery 40


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Thanks, my greatest fan! I had a terrible name lined up for this, 'Games Barn', and didn't notice until looking closer at the images that I had the real name.., thank Christ for that eh?

After this we moved to Liverpool again.., no Beatles.., just more ruins!

An explore with a lot more to see and enjoy! How did that get leaked so quick? Tis the Karen's for sure....

@tipu curate

How did that get leaked so quick?

Sigh.., that I can't divulge. Let's just say lessons have been learned.

🤣 stay mum man! 🙃

All those scrawled notes take me back but not as much as the Sony cybershot, I had one of them!!! Exact same one! I loved Sony phones

I remember those skinny phones but never had one.., I had a Pocket PC at the time.. a big chunky thing you could run apps on. It was a pre-cursor to the iPhone and all that was to come. I remember Everquest Pocket PC version, that had the same music as the real game.., woah!

My mate had a pocket pc thing. It was the clunkiest thing ever but he loved it. The screen slid up horizontally on it and the keyboard was underneath. Those days were quite cool because all the crazy phone innovations were coming thick and fast. Nowadays they all state with an even better camera and that's it!

They were very clunky but were also cutting edge then. You could have a proper mp3 as your ring tone, and I added the guitar solo from this song cut out using a mp3 slicer heh..., it turned heads in the office then, before every cunt started doing it a few years later.

Now it's just cheesy..

I used to do that with an MP3 slicer and put it on my early phones which was indeed cutting edge back then. I always remember people being amazed by my ringtones. Lol, the memories indeed! Then indeed there started to be many shitty apps that did it for you, although the first ones were quite shady.

My brother has the Bod themetune as his ringtone AND his notification tone and it is really fecking annoying.

My brother has the Bod themetune as his ringtone AND his notification tone and it is really fecking annoying.

It's old hat, I have the default iPhone tone on my phone now.

I have mine on silent so much that I dont even recognise the bog standard ringtone when it rings!

While reading your post I was thinking and how is it that these things have not been stolen in this barn or whatever it is abandoned until I read the footnote of this article; the thieves found out about this treasure and stole it. Anyway, I hope you make good use of the resources for learning books and toys for children.

This is a question I may be asking out of ignorance,... And the thieves, where did they find out about this publication? in addition to Hive because they have very fast stolen it.

And the thieves, where did they find out about this publication?

I do know, but I can't say.., it would not be appropriate, but it won't happen again, there have been lessons learned.

I cannot believe the condition of this place. I actually thought it was pretty cool, all the kids' games, bikes, tonka... it was a treasure trove and it all got stolen.

Television heaven while I type away!

After all the people that left empty-handed, leaving nothing behind for the next to look over? The stone with vegetation made for a lovely look.

I am gathering he was a teacher. This one looks well hidden.

Someone else went after us and asked..'where's all the stuff', so we knew it had been done over. I hear now the outside area is littered with whats left. This is how people are here, and its little wonder nobody wants to give away anything.

It is unusual here to have a house completely furnished over there. Usually, relatives will come and clean it out of all the good stuff before it is barely cold.

Somehow, it feels better if strangers do it.

I just sold my Sega last month, after nearly 3 decades of use haha. I still have some games sitting around. I bet that one still works. They're so rugged.

I was more a SNES dude then, had a ripoff device and all!

OMG haha. Street Fighter II

I don't go for animal dung in any flavour


it was just one A Level Physics teacher who lived alone, and occasionally played Risk and Sonic the Hedgehog while watching TV on EIGHT different sets while cooking TV dinners in any of FOUR microwave ovens.

Haha! Variety is the spice of life, eh?

This location was leaked, and some thieving bastards took everything of value shortly after we visited

Real shame!

I had an old Ericsson like that, and I would have been tempted to take the dictionary. I've always collected those, don't know why.
I even see some old microwave plates in the dishrack.

Overall, I think this place was an exceptional find, and probably one with memories that will stay with you for a long time?

Overall, I think this place was an exceptional find, and probably one with memories that will stay with you for a long time?

I can remember most of them, even the shitholes.. , strange my memory.

Damn, a Sega Genesis! I wish I kept mine. I would have paused for a few beats trying to decide if I was going to take that one or not haha

I had one in my conservatory for years which is hot in summer and freezing in winter. I eventually offloaded it on ebay in a 'not-working state'. Today they are a little tougher to find.

I sold mine to a used bookstore along with some other awesome stuff that I wish I hadn't. Playstation 2 with games, Gameboy color with games, deck of Magic cards from the 90's barely used... that one could have possibly, literally, been a gold mine. The guy I sold to was probably like...Jesus this is a fucking jackpot... "hmm well... I'll give to 30 buck for the lot." And me like and idiot was like "awesome! Done."

At the time it was probably a good deal for you. I too had all the old Magic cards, Moxes and Lotus, some Beta and sold them for a fraction of their current value. You can't hold regrets...

Yeah. I suppose it happens often. that's true about regrets

Wow. I swear one of these days you're gonna find Da Vinci's lost notebook or the ark of the covenant. That's some amazing exploring.

I was looking at a future one, I will post soon.., does a used bottle of Methadone count? 😀

lol damn!

Looks bushy from the outside. I like the 4 microwaves, that's a fancy setup. Maybe it was the home if an advanced 80s chef, who could cook different items concurrently. Beans in one, microwave chips in another, etc. And from the colours, obviously they knew how to style a kitchen/shed/cupboard/barn - nice !

Beans and Chips, the best student food!

It is as if you have taken a leap into the past of that place. In this place it seems that time has stopped. Nice post. Thanks for sharing. !LUV

Posted using Proof of Brain

Ohh... wait... My telephone is ringing. 😂

That's why I bring a bucket of glue with me when exploring. Glue all the cool junk into one mass so it's much more difficult to steal.

I'm far too more interested in getting to the next one. It's like a cruise, on land, the ports being generally derps.., nothing like it!

We used to have more spots to explore around here when I was a kid, not they are difficult to find locally. Regionally, there are plenty from what I see online, but I would have to take transit to get to them.

Careful, it's probably illegal where you are, here it's not.

California? As long as we aren't trespassing, so yeah, its usually technically illegal.

you're so observant and have this amazing detective like intuition. you have a real talent for crafting compelling stories and characters. i mean you should think of writing a fiction novel or a book. I would love to read it.

Thanks, I do write fiction... - https://peakd.com/hive-132410/@slobberchops/mort-the-shit-manager-the-sacking-of-brent

.. and my memoirs which do hold some exaggeration but are mostly factual.

wow old cd rom racks score

and a security camera wow they could hwve used that ro see you breaking in lol

This is very surprising I wonder we can find all those things on that places, looks wonderful.

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Every horror story starts with "Private Keep Out" 😂😂

Dayum that's hell of a treasure right there.

If it would have started ringing

!LOL I was thinking about this and also solid rock like mobile of previous Gen being captured from Iphone. Hehe!

Some Golden memories.. guess this GenZ have no idea bout what was like using these things. Absolutely Amazing!

R.I.P. boiled water.
You will be mist.

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How many things we can find in abandoned places.... Surprising about the cell phone.


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Who leaves all these things behind? And why? !LOL I like the telephone, I remember this model....

It’s all fun and games until someone loses an I.

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About the leaked location: do you mean that nobody would have been entering that place in over 20 years? !PIZZA