“It’s over there somewhere”
I pointed across some bare farmers' fields squinting to see anything remotely urban.
“I can’t see a damn thing”, retorted @goblinknackers already sweating from the blistering heat.
“Well it is, so get your water and let’s go”
After finding a rabbit path through the 'Giles' land, we eventually came upon what looked like an old decaying river.
Cherry Orchard Farm is a collection of approximately eight derelict farm buildings set within extensive grounds and situated on the north bank of the River Ouse, near Selby.
The site was originally an independent farm dating back to the late 1800s, and would often host livestock auctions.
It was taken over by Selby Farms Ltd in 1998, who own four other farms locally. However, they never used the Cherry Orchard site and the farm fell into a state of disrepair.
As of 2021, the overgrown farm has been badly vandalised, stripped of any valuables, and the buildings are now crumbling shells.
The farm was coming into view and it was a real wreck.
I was not expecting old wheelchairs, personal documents from the '60s, or war memories, in fact, getting close to Cherry Orchard Farm was proving problematic.
"It's a bloody nettle fest", I said to @goblinknackers, while meandering past a large swathe of them who were glaring at me through those spiked-edged tips.
We made it to the back which was thankfully less infested and looked for the door. No door means the window, not a big deal as the glass had been broken off long ago.
I jumped through the window into the expected derp. At least there was a little dialogue to read.
More than a little actually…, one could visit to increase their sexual theory knowledge.
If we were going to venture upstairs then a different approach would be needed. Jumping and grabbing the edge of that wasn't going to happen.
The dates of these ancient writings were from 2018, around 3 years prior.
Some of it was a little more direct than others. I discovered thought-provoking images.
.. and some more like a short story. If you're 65 or thereabouts then it's still OK to apply, you need to be petite though. It is unfortunate that the contact number has been blotted out. I know many of my readers would be interested.
The styling of this building does not look exactly antique, more 60's council house era. This contradicts the history I found. None of what I saw looked remotely Victorian.
Handy microwave ovens and other old white goods had been used by enterprising explorers to try and gain access to the upper levels, only to be thwarted by a block of concrete.
This was the only part I noticed where the owners had attempted to keep people out.
A rare graffiti-free room with nature threatening to take over.
Should I go up? Of course, what else?
Up there was decidedly sketchy. Whole large areas had no floor and it was a little creaky underfoot.
Once a fireplace existed but someone pulled it out, maybe with their bare hands?
I was never very good at Algebra. Can anyone figure out this equation?
It's not so bad really, the top step after the gap is always suspect and a little weak. You could potentially crash through it and maybe break your ankle if unlucky.
If you bottle out of the upstairs parts you miss dazzling shots like this. I couldn’t have lived without seeing that beer can on the floor.
If the downstairs fireplace room was void of graffiti then this one made up for it.
How many damn fireplaces do you need in one house? Someone could have felt there were a little too many and decided to burn this one down.
Now, getting to the other side could prove a little tricky.
If I had not made it, then I would have missed fireplace #13. That would have been devastating.
Indeed, I have to agree…
This was one large property or was it more than one?
ankle-breaking' stairs.Some decent steps at last. @goblinknackers who had been mooching around downstairs decided to join me. He had not fancied the '
I was thinking about renaming this to 'The Fireplace House'. I mean, what's with all these.. and orange paint on your walls?
Some areas were a no-go, even for me.
That eye is quite decent but has been painted over. As much as I laughed at what I was reading, the writers were hardly artists.
Where trees are winding their way through your house, it's probably a little late to save it. The owners bought it to simply rot away?
What could have been boring turned into quite an entertaining mooch. A wholehearted thanks to all the talented writers who contributed to making my traipse across that field in the heat worthwhile.
There was little in the adjoining barns besides some big tyres and axles.
The hot weather doesn’t half make these bastards grow high. I’m talking as big as me.
The massive tin shed held a big nothing inside besides lots of fresh, or maybe not so fresh... air. It was a mile walk back to the car over that field again.
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'Tales of the Urban Explorer'

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i had to go back and scrub my number out as i was getting to many interested texts 😂🤣😂
I thought I recognised the handiwork.. 65 year olds.. tut!
ah well lol
You find the most amazing places to explore, the tacky graffiti to be honest just annoys me, now if they did some art that would be cool to me
I looked at that possibly algebraic expression but came to the conclusion it must be new math and I have no clue
And seeing the decay and the mention of the decaying floors when you were upstairs make me wonder if any of the taggers that visited there had fallen at one time or another
Looks like dick size to me, haha!
In other places I have wondered that. They wrote it before the floors collapsed it a plausible reason?
Lol well sick size would fit with a lot of the other graffiti that was there
Well at least you have been getting out and about. Funny how so many people feel like expressing themselves in a place few will ever see. Maybe they really need that girlfriend to give themselves a purpose.
I see someone is a Shining fan.
I missed the Shining reference but that's not unusual. I miss lots of things.
It's either that or they are a fan of the race horse
Oh that... it's quite common. Murder spelt backwards.
I guess it's a crude attempt to scare people. I doubt you urbexers are easily spooked.
What bizarrely wordy buggers! I think I much prefer it when they can actually draw/spray some sort art stuff!!!
Can't blame the guy for wanting them petite though 😃
I have never seen such a wordy place and came out confident of my new sexual skills and abilities to pull chicks like never before!
It's a training ground for future lotharios!!
Well! Call me undereducated! :) What I didn't know, I sure learned there. Seems they have got all the moves or at least some of the words. I don't think I have ever seen one of your buildings with messy all-talk, no good pictures on the walls. A different set of people, definitely urbex wannabes.
It would really surprise me if that place was from the 1800's - it looks like if the original building was, somewhere along the line it was rebuilt to more modern standards.
I'm glad you showed her off, but, sorry you didn't get anything of interest to you. But, you never know... this could have been the one!
LOL, could be there is too many slang guttural Britishism's in all that mumbo-jumbo! I wouldn't call them explorers, more dumb kids with nothing better to do.
It always makes me sad to see old houses lost to nature once more. Nothing much saving there.
No, this one is too far gone.
I can't believe you went across those "floors"! They barely had any boards left 😂
I wonder if there's anything written about the reason for the fireplaces?
Someone liked keeping warm I guess, it's a freezing old place.. the UK, except for that day!
🤣 how many fireplaces are needed to stay warm???
Man, How do you infallibly find such places, 😯 I will definitely start with some urban exploration. The idea always fascinates me 😃. By the way, what do you use to take your shots? Always so vibrant and pleasing even though portraying mess 😅.
I use an old iPhone 7 that needs replacing. Take your time when shooting and you get pleasing results. Where do I find them?, it's all about who you know.
uhh, man really awesome.
I have a couple of locations in mind. Will post something soon, if I came back alive and without lawsuits haha. Thanks for the info.
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What a glorious mess all that is! Damn.
I'm really impressed with the work that some people will go just to place a classified for sex. Is there really no easier way than fighting through the nettles to crawl into an abandoned building? I wonder about the type of person who would answer those, too. 😂
It's a little dissapointing that amongst all your fantastic posts I've never seen graffiti declaring "the cake is a lie."
I would say this time of year it would be much easier to gain access to Cherry Orchard. We went in the height of summer which presents weed problems. They will be dead as of now.
Lmao 🤣
That has to be high school kids writing all that shit on the walls.
Those stairs look deadly.
The Source link I included made reference to some kids being there when the other explorer visited. He got a guided tour and not a shank in the neck. People here are not so crazy.
Very good. You have the guts to get on this farm.
Well, I live in Brazil and everything here seems like dangerous hahaha.
Getting into a farm here can be a big problem. Very cool stories and photographs.
A lot of crazy must happen in this place! Hugs from Rio de Janeiro!
It's not such a dangerous country. No guns and you rarely see knives. It makes it safer.
Some of that graffiti had me laughing out loud. Gogonzola imposter? It really makes you wonder. Was it a very old building? In older buildings, maybe a fireplace in every room because that is how it used to be heated? I am basing thison my reading of Victorian novels, so it is just speculation.
It did not look old to me, though fireplaces upstairs is an 'old thing'. Without the information textual content.. it would have been a bit crap!
It is indeed a mystery then ... why so many fireplaces? Ha! Peculiar.
I see some of these wall "artists" were fans of Kubrik's The Shining, and also loved each other's mums very much.
I don't know why abandoned houses reminds me of a post apocalyptic world that we are scavenging! I can't help but thinking that the nettles, was the house preventing people to get by.
Right now it would be easier to gain entrance. In summer the nettles go crazy here, and make it hard work for us explorers!
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To think that it was a beautiful house inhabited at the time...