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RE: Abandoned Coffee Tales: Now why did I not think of this?

in Urban Exploration2 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure what you mean about plagiarism, if it is your work it is not plagiarism.

I wasn't exactly being serious here, it's the idea. I know @lpff generally writes a short synopsis of the history and then his personal feelings about the building, how tough it was to access, his findings of other people inside (which I personally find interesting). He does much shorter versions of what I do.

This led me to feel I could do the same as he already has. I ordered his book yesterday and am looking forward to seeing how it looks.

Anyway, that website looks like a vanity publisher to me.

That may work for me. I am under no illusions that I am a great writer, I had no experience before joining STEEM, failed badly at English (at school), but excelled at College when I retook the exams.

and access to mainstream industry contacts if you pay a fee (usually around £500-1k with vanity publishers) then run a mile.

In just over a week I will be doing another collab explore with @lpff. I will ask him lots of questions relating to outgoings.

No mainstream publisher will touch anything that isn't first publishing rights, I.E. they're not interested in anything published anywhere else, no matter how good the writing is!

You mentioned this before, I guess they are not mainstream as @lpff's material is already plastered over Facebook, Instagram etc..

This idea is not to make money, if I get the investment back I will be happy. I know my mum would love to see something like this written by her bloodline, if you see what I mean?


I couldn't find @lpff hive site. But it is good you know someone who can walk you through the self-publishing route... the only thing I'll say, as that to promote, you will have to get on twitter, Fbook and Instagram etc, ad they're pretty much the only places to promote a self-published work.

That may work for me. I am under no illusions that I am a great writer, I had no experience before joining STEEM, failed badly at English (at school), but excelled at College when I retook the exams.

Don't do yourself down m8, I think you write really well.
P.s. your friend will probably tell you all this, but don't spend money on getting one of these vanity publishing sites to print your book. They are pretty much all rip-off artists, all they do is print the book, and often make cover art design that is so bad that even I could do better with my limited knowledge of PhotoShop. Those vanity publishing sites will promise a load of stuff to do with marketing, and then just not do what they promised. I've literally heard thousands of negative anecdotes about those types of sites in many different writers' groups.

Good luck with it, If you have any questions, or if there is anything your friend doesn't explain to your satisfaction msg me on discord m8 with any questions 😃 👍

This idea is not to make money, if I get the investment back I will be happy. I know my mum would love to see something like this written by her bloodline, if you see what I mean?

Yeah, I get it for sure. Beyond my own satisfaction (and the $100 I made) when I had my first fiction published in a literary journal my mum was super proud, which was nice to see 😃