Si usted se pusiera a leer todos mis artículos se diera cuenta, que jamás lo hago. Un 29% osea que eso es que yo no hice nada no? No escribí nada, no me tomé el trabajo de ir al lugar a hacer las fotos, no me arriesgué en entrar a un lugar que si vió está en peligro de derrumbe, no edité las fotos. Si la utilicé para arreglar la ortografía y gramática.
I suspect the translator is responsible for the AI % content. I hope @hivewatchers are aware that this could be the case for non-speaking English writers using these methods.
Before running content through AI detectors, we manually look for clues to avoid false positives.
Once we discover potential hints that the content comes from Chat GPT (or similar tool), we run them through multiple checkers.
There are some so-called "translators" that actually function in a similar way to Chat GPT. Despite having a spinning option (swapping words with synonyms), they also have a prompt option that generates an article in the subject prompted.
Users sometimes try to deceive by saying that they used "translator" thinking while they actually used the AI tool in that app, not the translator. Or they use the app's synonym tool to re-write plagiarised content to avoid detection.
The above article evidently used AI feature of that "translator" to generate the writing.
Interesting.., I know you are literate in more than one language so can only give you the benefit of the doubt. I checked this article in several areas and the results were mixed.
Emm no. Solo se español. Pero para leer los comentarios el Chrome me los traduce automáticamente. De todas formas si ve borré mi artículo, para evitar cualquier problema.
Si usted se pusiera a leer todos mis artículos se diera cuenta, que jamás lo hago. Un 29% osea que eso es que yo no hice nada no? No escribí nada, no me tomé el trabajo de ir al lugar a hacer las fotos, no me arriesgué en entrar a un lugar que si vió está en peligro de derrumbe, no edité las fotos. Si la utilicé para arreglar la ortografía y gramática.
Did you use a translator for the English?
Si. Siempre lo hago. Porque no sé inglés.
I suspect the translator is responsible for the AI % content. I hope @hivewatchers are aware that this could be the case for non-speaking English writers using these methods.
Before running content through AI detectors, we manually look for clues to avoid false positives.
Once we discover potential hints that the content comes from Chat GPT (or similar tool), we run them through multiple checkers.
There are some so-called "translators" that actually function in a similar way to Chat GPT. Despite having a spinning option (swapping words with synonyms), they also have a prompt option that generates an article in the subject prompted.
Users sometimes try to deceive by saying that they used "translator" thinking while they actually used the AI tool in that app, not the translator. Or they use the app's synonym tool to re-write plagiarised content to avoid detection.
The above article evidently used AI feature of that "translator" to generate the writing.
Interesting.., I know you are literate in more than one language so can only give you the benefit of the doubt. I checked this article in several areas and the results were mixed.
Emm no. Solo se español. Pero para leer los comentarios el Chrome me los traduce automáticamente. De todas formas si ve borré mi artículo, para evitar cualquier problema.
Creo que en la captura se muestra como tengo traducidos automáticamente los comentarios suyos.