Damn @slobberchops friend!... You usually find places that seem to have come straight out of the head of a drunk Salvador Dalí!!!... And you have a beautiful road rat style New Beetle!!!!... What a beauty! ... This is another great post, the deterioration of that place since 2021 is interestig!... What a crazy thing that couple of columns at the entrance! :)... "the smallest decaying mansion in the world"... has ha haaa... Really!... I laughed out loud with the vinyl LP's stuck on the bathroom wall, once I saw something similar in the bathroom of the house of a friend of my father who was a painter (That friend of my father's by the way, tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head and didn't die, but the bullet stayed there in his head for years and went with him to his grave long after)... Dad always told him: You should have tried With a .38 caliber or larger, those little .22 bullets wouldn't even kill a chicken!... But that had nothing to do with me sticking Vinyl LP's on the walls! from the bathroom, obviously... Well, I already talked too much friend... Thank you very much for this post!... You are one of the best (and most satirical and hilarious) authors here!!!!... Applause!
!discovery 40
Well thank you kindly! The beetle is not my image, but from their FB page, to show you what it used to look like.
That struck me as I wrote this up. I notice a lot more much later when doing the write-ups, as we are generally racing around a place in order to get to the next.