Dugouts on Shogrash. Part one

A couple of years ago, I photographically documented the disappearing dugouts on Sodima. I discovered them while walking along the river in search of graphic landscapes. I saw dugouts on the banks of the Shogrash River from afar, driving along District Highway in the Osanovo region, but for a long time I could not get close to them - I was waiting for suitable weather conditions and for it all to coincide with my spiritual mood.

Many now such buildings may seem mystical and immediately evoke associations with dugouts from The Lord of the Rings. And before, these vegetable stores were in the order of things and could only cause envy among a neighbor in the garden.

The most striking were the first impressions when I found myself on top of the hill-bank of the river.

The Shogrash River flows under the District Highway and goes further beyond the city limits. The difference in brightness is so strong that it does not fit into the dynamic range. But I deliberately left overexposure in order to show what a bright light comes from the lanterns.

Here dugouts stretch in a chain along the snow-covered path, going down and repeating the bend of the coast.

Unlike the Sodima dugouts, almost all of them are used here.

I met only a couple of abandoned vegetable stores - the rest are all under lock and key.

The soft, warm light from the highway lights enhanced the mystical atmosphere.

I specifically waited for the dry last year's grass to be exposed and the weather to be clear.

In winter, in deep snow, I simply would not have gotten here.

It seems to me that earlier it was possible to get here by car.

The most cozy place turned out to be near an old tree that grew between dugouts.

It often happens that being in such places, you want to see how it looked in the past, when it was actively used for its intended purpose.

I have a couple more places with dugouts in mind, but they are extremely creepy ...

I consider this place the safest and most sincere of all those where I have been.

No drug pawnbrokers, not a soul at all.

The atmosphere of this place was similar to that of an abandoned village.

At the dugouts on Sodima, I was first during the day, and then at night.

The first visit to the dugouts on Shogrash immediately became a night one, but I know for sure that I want to come here again during the day.

I want to capture the interior of some abandoned dugout.

To be continued...


The photos of the place are incredible. I see that it is somewhat neglected and the snow has taken over almost everything, however there is hope to take it all back. I hope the boats can hover around again.

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