Abandoned Soviet vacation resort

Welcome to Estonia, a post Soviet Baltic country that recovered decently after the collapse that left behind loads of mementos in the form of various abandoned Russian sites. This place used to be a seaside vacation resort until it stopped functioning in the 2000´s. Now it´s just a forgotten carcass, waiting for it´s end. So far, it has survived looting and a fire, but who knows when it will be torn down. Until then, people like me visit and explore the area, telling ghost stories and walking around, feeling nostalgic or imagining what life was like more than 20 years ago in this left behind resort.

The rooms were small and full of trash, once, incandescent ceiling lamps lit up the porch on warm summer nights, attracting both insects and members of the human species:

Not all have respect for places like these, graffiti can be beautiful, but looks like an ugly, out of place scar more often than not:

An ideal place, if you wish to hide from the sun or have a smoke break. I can see people talking, laughing, children running, playing, not a care in the world, unaware of the sad fate that awaits this place:

Much like a train carriage, these rooms took people places, places in their mind, where they could relax and get away from routine life:

The sauna house, disturbingly well preserved, as if there had been a party here the day before... perhaps there had:

Some of the buildings were not so lucky - touched by flame originating from the match of a person, who, ironically, would really need a vacation themself:

It was lucky, the fire brigade arrived when they did - the nearby trees were almost untouched:

Time heals wounds, makes us forget old hostilities and sometimes, rewrites the rules of the game:

A washroom, dirtier now then the people who ever used it:

An indoor pool, perfect to jump in after a searing hot sauna seance:

Once filled with water, now filled with trash:

Toilets with a natural roof:

A mysterious aura is felt in this place, as if someone is still swimming in the invisible water, reluctant to get out, unable to accept that what once was, is no more, that the holiday is over and the only remaining vacation is the final one... :


Tere tulemast Hive, kulla kaasmaalane. Ja head taasiseseisvumispäeva!

Postitusele vastuseks aga - päris põneva koha oled avastanud.

Ohoo, tervist! Ma endiselt õpin asja tundma ja nuputan, kas tegemist on püramiidskeemiga :D
Kui ise külastada tahad, on koha nimi Luigelahe puhkebaas.
Ning tõesti, head taasiseseisvumispäeva!

Püramiidskeem see kindlasti pole - mingeid asju sa siin müüma ei pea ega enda alla mingeid inimesi värbama, et nad edasi müüks ka mitte. Isegi mingit boonustega referral süsteemi pole. :D

Aga nii palju ma võin öelda, et õigete tutvuste omamine, teiste inimeste postituste lugemine ja nendega... interactive olemine; ja mitte mingi suvalise spämmi tekitamine on siin oluline. Soovitan nt OCD community tegemistel silma peal hoida (ära otse OCD Communitysse postita, nad seda ei kureeri, aga just nt Urban Explorationisse postides, kui mingeid mahajäetud majasid jne külastad, on megahea).

Ma ise avastasin selle platvormi umbes 2 ja pool aastat tagasi, kui see ühe teise plokiahela all toimis (aga üks loll hiinlane võttis üle ja me kõik kolisime Hive üle :D). Olen ka oma teenitud krüptoga veidi trade'nud, aga ka päris rahaks teinud ja välja võtnud. Edu!

Welcome to HIVE @estonian.stalker! Good to see you haven't found it to much like hard work. This looks quite rural and next to the ocean?

Hope you see more from you. HINT: Don't post more than once a day, we only have so much VP (Voting Power). There is a lot to learn here and I will help you get going.

Thanks, just learning the ropes :)

Good to see another genuine Urban Explorer on HIVE, and from a different part of the world. It paints another perspective on this dangerous hobby of ours.

võid discord.ee ga liituda kui jutukaaslasi soovid

Similar to our own remnants of that past but with saunas ;) I guess they are mostly popular up north.


Welcome from a fellow newcomer! Hope you enjoy it here as much as I have been.

Fabulous set of images, along with your words they tell quite the story. Nourishment for the imagination. 🙂

Welcome, glad you joined up, trust @slobberchops he helped me enormously and tbh I still don’t have a clue but never mind !

Welcome to Hive! The urbex community seems to be growing nicely here, largely thanks to my friend @slobberchops.

It's a shame that this resort has been left to rot. Could be a good place for a socially-distanced break.

One thing I would say is to not worry about voting on comments for now as your vote is too small to pay out unless others also vote on them. Vote on posts instead.

Have fun.

So here´s a "commentary upvote" !

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I enjoyed the pictures, and the story with it. The old and oft forgotten homes, and businesses, it looks like at one point in time it was a nice wooded get-away place to relax in nature.

Thank you, I will upload more content shortly :)

What an awesome place to explore! Love the pictures, and particularly the ones in black and white; a great choice for those poor old buildings. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you kindly!