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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Scout Masters House

in Urban Exploration2 years ago

This was awesome!! As tossed as this was, the treasures we unbelievable! They left everything! Just like like they had gotten scared by a ghost or something!

I couldn't figure out from what was left behind if Mr. James was still hanging or if the Mr. Pritchard dude was there? The old books alone were treasures, but, they even left a bible around, in case you got all religious on them. I love those stoves! They are few and far between here, except in the Midwestern states.

Why do the owners come back if they aren't cleaning it out or tearing it down? They have personal things like the letter hanging out. :) At least you got pics of those creepy dolls. Was Talking Tina there? That would make me run away.

I have an old Singer sewing machine. I bought a house up by Lake Michigan for a summer place, they left all sorts of things in the house and barn. I kept the sewing machine and old cigarette signs. The guy was a salesman. HIndsight, it would have been a cool find for the urbex people, but, I remember being young and wondering why he left his junk for me to clean up. Ignorance isn't always bliss.

I could have kept going through this if it wasn't for the people showing up. Did this get sealed or bulldozed? Do you go back to places like this again? Amazing that it was still so intact.

Tell me you gave Desi a turn? :)


Not sure what they plan to do with it, or what the status is now. It's gone all quiet which usually means it's now off the radar, so either sealed, reno'd or demo'd!

Well I'm glad you got a peek before. This really was chock full of goodies!