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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Cottage on the Hill

Another emotional read for me @slobberchops haha again...the dereliction and the scattered memories , they really hit you at the base level.

I So remember top loading vhs and I also remember that Betamax (the small video tape before VHS) was also superior in picture quality and was a better product but was 'pushed out' by VHS as the format. Another time in our world where 'might' and 'connection' won over quality ah well, such is the cruel world even in video tape production or in lovely old cottages left to rot, eh?

Thanks for this @slobberchops I know you said opera is not for you, but when I saw that little opera case I thought, wouldn't it be magical to carry up an old phonograph (I know how would you but it's my fantasy so I'd find a way haha) and play old Caruso records in that cottage...I'd picture some happy ghosts then.