Abandoned Coffee Tales: Now why did I not think of this?

in Urban Exploration3 years ago (edited)

Browsing through Facebook and trying not to waste too much time on this popular but annoying platform I saw this going for £20 including P&P:


Written by a personal friend of mine, everyone's favourite mask-wielding Yorkshire explorer, quite hated within the community and famous for being banned on 28dayslater.co.uk, derelictplaces.co.uk and just about anywhere else that houses 'old-style' explorers, Lost Places and Forgotten Faces.

Its good to be notorious I think, at least people will never forget about you. I had no idea he was up to no good like this even though we collaboratively explored quite recently.

A coffee table style quality book old grandma's can read while choking over their hot drinks. Quite ingenious and different from the usual merchandise these 'popular' explorers try and sell to us.

I contacted 'Matt' immediately about his idea and as usual he's quite willing to spill the beans. Could I do the same, or is that plagiarism?


The idea I mean. I have shitloads of content all written up that would be ideal for this type of project. Although the dear old ladies may well spit out their coffee while reading the blatant profanity and sexual innuendos in my 'Tales'.

What do you think people? I could produce several volumes of this stuff.


Facebook is indeed annoying.

After @slobberchops tagged me, I thought I'd take a look a the sites linked in this post.

The idea I mean. I have shitloads of content all written up that would be ideal for this type of project. Although the dear old ladies may well spit out their coffee while reading the blatant profanity and sexual innuendos in my 'Tales'.

Screenshot (819).png

I'm not sure what you mean about plagiarism, if it is your work it is not plagiarism. If the book contains fruity language, profanity and bad language well... fuck it, Irvine Welsh wrote many best sellers full of profanity.

Ha ha, I'm as drunk as a skunk as it is my birthday. I've just realised this is an alt account of slobberchops unless I'm wrong in my drunkenness? 😂

Anyway, that website looks like a vanity publisher to me. They mention nothing about their publishing affiliations, and they say nothing about how much money they want for their 'proofreading services' or how much they charge to print books.

As someone who has friends in the mainstream publishing industry, and has researched how self-publishing works I'd be sceptical of this website if it was me considering publishing a novel or a collection of short stories with them. If you ring the number they provide and they give you the hard sell, salesman style, promising big sales etc, and access to mainstream industry contacts if you pay a fee (usually around £500-1k with vanity publishers) then run a mile.

I hope that helps.

By the way, if this is your alt account Ian, and you're thinking of publishing either your URBEX content or your Kwicksave chronicles (that you've already put on hive) then I'm 100% sure you'd have to self-publish. No mainstream publisher will touch anything that isn't first publishing rights, I.E. they're not interested in anything published anywhere else, no matter how good the writing is! I learned this the hard way myself.

Message me on discord if you want to chat more about what that involves, but maybe in a few days, by Friday I should be over my hangover 😂

I'm not sure what you mean about plagiarism, if it is your work it is not plagiarism.

I wasn't exactly being serious here, it's the idea. I know @lpff generally writes a short synopsis of the history and then his personal feelings about the building, how tough it was to access, his findings of other people inside (which I personally find interesting). He does much shorter versions of what I do.

This led me to feel I could do the same as he already has. I ordered his book yesterday and am looking forward to seeing how it looks.

Anyway, that website looks like a vanity publisher to me.

That may work for me. I am under no illusions that I am a great writer, I had no experience before joining STEEM, failed badly at English (at school), but excelled at College when I retook the exams.

and access to mainstream industry contacts if you pay a fee (usually around £500-1k with vanity publishers) then run a mile.

In just over a week I will be doing another collab explore with @lpff. I will ask him lots of questions relating to outgoings.

No mainstream publisher will touch anything that isn't first publishing rights, I.E. they're not interested in anything published anywhere else, no matter how good the writing is!

You mentioned this before, I guess they are not mainstream as @lpff's material is already plastered over Facebook, Instagram etc..

This idea is not to make money, if I get the investment back I will be happy. I know my mum would love to see something like this written by her bloodline, if you see what I mean?

I couldn't find @lpff https://peakd.com/@lpff hive site. But it is good you know someone who can walk you through the self-publishing route... the only thing I'll say, as that to promote https://peakd.com/@lpffs, you will have to get on twitter, Fbook and Instagram etc, ad they're pretty much the only places to promote a self-published work.

That may work for me. I am under no illusions that I am a great writer, I had no experience before joining STEEM, failed badly at English (at school), but excelled at College when I retook the exams.

Don't do yourself down m8, I think you write really well.
P.s. your friend will probably tell you all this, but don't spend money on getting one of these vanity publishing sites to print your book. They are pretty much all rip-off artists, all they do is print the book, and often make cover art design that is so bad that even I could do better with my limited knowledge of PhotoShop. Those vanity publishing sites will promise a load of stuff to do with marketing, and then just not do what they promised. I've literally heard thousands of negative anecdotes about those types of sites in many different writers' groups.

Good luck with it, If you have any questions, or if there is anything your friend doesn't explain to your satisfaction msg me on discord m8 with any questions 😃 👍

This idea is not to make money, if I get the investment back I will be happy. I know my mum would love to see something like this written by her bloodline, if you see what I mean?

Yeah, I get it for sure. Beyond my own satisfaction (and the $100 I made) when I had my first fiction published in a literary journal my mum was super proud, which was nice to see 😃


You lot are not very encouraging hmfff 😀. I am meeting up with @lpff in a week or so, will question him about his then. Would a publisher allow my wording if a 'explicit language' was plastered on the front?

Maybe @ericvancewalton or @raj808 knows the answers. I have ordered a copy of Abandoned Sheffield, to see how it looks. I am getting a little ahead of myself.

I agree with @raj808's response above. Most writers have "imposter syndrome", me included sometimes (even after 30 years), you can definitely do this. The good news is it's never been easier to publish your first book. Just a few things, as Raj mentioned...steer clear of vanity presses. You can self publish but make sure you look into production costs. In my experience self published books with full color photos are very expensive to print but the industry is constantly changing so I'd look at all my options once you get a better idea of how many pages/photos you want to include. I never had much luck going the traditional publishing route so I can't offer much guidance there. Best of luck to you! There's a lot of satisfaction in publishing a book. You may want to think outside of the box and explore launching NFTs in conjunction with the book or QR codes that will send readers to each actual building or something like that to draw attention to the launch. I embedded the private key to a bitcoin wallet for my last book launch and it was fairly successful.

Thanks for the advice Eric.

You're welcome!

why not?? no idea is a new idea, somebody has always done it or something very like it before... It's how you present it thats the difference.. And with your excellent writing it's something that I would certainly read...