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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Busy Bee's Diner

in Urban Exploration2 years ago

why are there bars on the window?

Not to keep the kid in, but to keep the creeps out 🙁

This post will stay with me. I know I'm not supposed to feel sad, but I do. All the dreams and hopes. The human touches (shoes!). The signs to entice (menus) and to discourage (bathroom). The failure is so recent. Maybe COVID. Maybe just life. That debt notice is a glaring piece of evidence. The wording,We know there are many reasons why someone may not pay a penalty...Talk about an understatement.

A great blog.


This post will stay with me. I know I'm not supposed to feel sad, but I do. All the dreams and hopes.

The number of failed business I visited grows. I can't make myself think about what happened or why, this is a common sight now.

I often find demands from utility companies, or the tax authorities wanting money. It's a familiar story, one of which I must block out my thoughts.