Some Good Points for Starting a NFT Project!

in NFT Investing3 years ago

1. Trust and Transparency
Who are you? Why did you choose to make this project and what are your skills? Investors look for signs of experience and success in past projects.
2. Vision and Roadmap
Investors expect some kind of vision or reason for your project and a roadmap explaining the project's moves.
3. Collaboration and Community Input
The community must have a weight in the projects decision and the Devs must listen to the community, this is very important. =]
4. Art Follows Utility
What can Investors do with your NFTs? Examples are: Acces to private communities, commercial license, Avatars or 3D Models, Tokens and/or Passive Income and finally access to high resolution images in a variety of file types.
5. Tecnology
Which Blockchain have you chosen and why, what are its pros and cons? How will the art be generated? Where wil you store the data (IPFS, Artblock)
6. Team
Planning and lauching a NFT project takes time and a lot of work, you must have some people to help you if you want to cut some time and have yourself a live outside the project!
Some roles are: Founder, Artist, Blockchain Developer, Community Manager, Social Media Manager, Legal...
7. Finance
What is your Mint Price? Have you considered the gas fees? Website and Domain are also something to keep and eye out for. Also take it into consideration the Giveaways and Marketplace fees.
8. Launch
Consider if there will be a Reveal Date or if the art is already open to viewing. Also Social Media activity and the clever uses of hashtags are important.
Finally, listing the project on the right places will also get you far! (rarity, cryptoslam)

I hope this will help everyone out there, I am working on my project as well, for Generative Arts with interaction between human and artificial intelligence and soon I will be posting my progress here!

For now a little spoiler of my project:

Thank you for reading and have a good one!