Les traje un maquillaje inspirado en la navidad utilice solo dos tonos de sombra . Me senti muy linda y creo que eso es lo importante pues.
El paso numero uno consiste en aplicar tu base y polvito en todo tu rostro y asi mismo pintas tus cejas como de costumbre.
El pàso número dos es muy sencillo y es aplicar la sobra rojita en la cuenca de tu ojo entendiendo hasta hacerle un delineado con la misma sombra.
El paso numero tres consiste en aplicar la sombra rosita en el borde de tu parpado y difuminas muy bien .
Último pasito, vas a colocar en tu lagrimal un toquesito de dorado y luego de eso aplicas tu rimer y labial rojo y listo quedaran super lindas .
Gracias por leerme.
Utilice el traductor Deelp.
Utilice mi telefono Xiaomi Redmi9 para tomar y editar mis fotografias.
Hello good friends of hive I hope you are very but very well, I am very encouraged with the makeup because I have a sister who paints and draws very well. The thing is that she lives far away from me and I want to do something different these days and I want to challenge myself to do my own makeup hahahaha I don't know how they look like but I hope for your opinion.
I brought you a christmas inspired makeup I used only two shades of shadow. I felt very pretty and I think that's what's important.
Step number one is to apply your foundation and powder all over your face and then paint your eyebrows as usual.
Step two is very simple and is to apply the red eye shadow in the socket of your eye and even line it with the same shadow.
Step three is to apply the pink shadow on the edge of your eyelid and blend it well.
Last step, you are going to place a little touch of gold on your eyelid and after that you apply your mascara and red lipstick and you are ready to be super cute.
Thanks for reading.
I used the Deelp translator.
I used my Xiaomi Redmi9 phone to take and edit my pictures.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)