Hi friends!! I am really impressed with the amount of people who participated in my contest, what a joy to see so much movement around here, this last week has been great seeing how one of you has exploited your creativity to the fullest with this fantasy contest, as I mentioned in the previous post fantasy makeup is totally free, full of magic or a special meaning that I could see in many of you.
The work of choosing winners has really been very difficult for me, but during these days I was thinking a lot and I have changed some things, this time I could not decide on only two first and second place winners and I want to give merit to those who most I liked them, let's remember that the first and only place had a prize of 20 hives and the second 10 hives, these values are maintained but I will choose more winners than I had planned, thank you all very much for your participation and reception to my first contest and of heart I want to congratulate you all for daring to create magic on your faces.
Prize of 20 hives (in no specific order):
Premio de 10 hives (sin orden especifico):
Prize of 10 hives (in no specific order):
Para finalizar quiero dar un premio especial para @raineth0224 porque su trabajo me impresiono muchisimo y siento que merece un reconocimiento especial (30 hives)
participacionFinally, I want to give a special award to @raineth0224 because his work impressed me a lot and I feel that he deserves special recognition (30 hives)
Thank you all for participating really, I appreciate that you have encouraged to join me, sorry if I miss mentioning someone!
@sofiaquino98 @josehany @justeli @barbibsq27 @zullyscott @gigi8 @keilis @borbolet @mariana30 @mayifiestas @rosemariam @yulsy @calisto24 @antonella085 @eribetzi @veronicamartinc @rosaura28 @ayleenr @raineth0224 @naty16 @makeup.byidy @ljtorres2 @aichel @gabyjc @bellaclop @mariaudhr @aguilaazul7777 @mirzantorres @karetxysnieves @valeriacmm09 @yeniluci @paooceballos