Hello everyone .... THIS WAS A REAL CHALLENGE ... I wanted to do this makeup for two reasons, one because in all social networks I see a makeup of the samurai technique and because I think we must increase our skills and try new things

Pienso que siempre he tenido un muy mal pulso y que mi lado artÃstico no vino mi caja de instrucciones de fabricación 🤣, pero gracias a #hive y a #makeuppower he podido desarrollar poco a poco este lado.
I think that I have always had a very bad pulse and that my artistic side did not come my box of manufacturing instructions 🤣, but thanks to #hive and #makeuppower I have been able to develop this side little by little.

Ahora sÃ, manos a la obra.
Now, let's get to work.
1st step. Wash and hydrate my face ...

2do paso. Esta vez empecé fue maquillándome las cejas y colocándome primer en los ojos porque esto era lo más importante en este maquillaje.
2nd step. This time I started by applying makeup to my eyebrows and putting primer on my eyes because this was the most important thing in this makeup.

3er paso. Básicamente lo pasos se repiten una y otra vez. Hay tener un muy buen pulso y ser muy detallista a la hora de colocar cada sombra. OJO, no soy una experta a lo mejor hay errores en mi maquillaje, pero poco a poco iré perfeccionando cada técnica posible. Se debe necesita tener a la mano varios pinceles, corrector y sombras de tu preferencia.
3rd step. Basically, the steps are repeated over and over again. You have to have a very good pulse and be very detailed when placing each shadow. EYE, I am not an expert, maybe there are mistakes in my makeup, but little by little I will perfect each possible technique. You should have on hand several brushes, concealer and shadows of your choice.

4to paso. Poco a poco fui dándole vida al diseño, al principio era todo un desastre pero al pasar el tiempo e ir colocando más detallitos el maquillaje iba tomando más forma.
4th step. Little by little I gave life to the design, at first it was a disaster but as time passed and I added more details, the makeup took more shape.

5to paso. El procedimiento de este maquillaje es ir colocando sombras, realizar cortes con el corrector y limpiar con algún desmaquillante para que el área donde se va a hacer el corte siempre este limpia. También debes difuminar cada aplicación de color que se haga.
5th step. The procedure for this makeup is to place shadows, make cuts with the concealer, and clean with a make-up remover so that the area where the cut is going to be made is always clean. You should also smudge every color application that is made.

Para finalizar preparé de una manera muy sutil la piel, coloqué crema hidratante, corrector, base, polvo un poco de rubor. En mis labios solo apliqué un poco de bálsamo.
To finish, I prepared the skin in a very subtle way, I applied moisturizer, concealer, foundation, powder, and a little blush. I just applied a little balm to my lips.

Espero que les guste y me dejen sus comentarios...
I hope you like it and leave me your comments ...
Se les quiere, besos y abrazos mis abejitas maquilladoras.
They are loved, kisses and hugs my little make-up bees.

Here you can find more details. Take careHi @mirzantorres, apologies for the downvotes. My anti-farming feature got abused.