Espero se encuentren super bien el día de hoy.
Hello! beautiful and radiant people of HIVE
I hope you are super well today.
Today I woke up with a great desire to make up, I wanted to do something spectacular, to highlight, with lots of glitter and rhinestones. but I remembered that I do not have many materials, so I had to improvise 😁 I did this with a new palette I bought, honestly leaves a little to be desired because their shadows (the blue and green) do not pigment very well, especially the green. However as I could I did this look with cuts and in a store I got these golden pigments that obviously I did not hesitate to use and I loved how it shines, never in my life I had never used pigments or glitter and between yesterday and today I have fallen in love with them, it gives a shine that highlights the look in a spectacular way 😍 Anyway, without anything else to add let's start with the makeup.

Para los materiales de hoy utilicé la base, los correctores, el contorno, rubor, iluminador, sombras verde, azul, naranja y negra, pigmento dorado, fijador de maquillaje, pega para pestañas, pestañas postizas, labial y gloss.
For today's materials I used foundation, concealers, contour, blush, highlighter, green, blue, orange and black shadows, gold pigment, makeup fixer, eyelash glue, false lashes, lipstick and gloss.
Comencé maquillando mi ceja y aplicando corrector unos tonos por encima del tono de mi piel.
I started by doing my eyebrow makeup and applying concealer a few shades above my skin tone.

Realicé una línea por encima de la cuenca del ojo con sombra azul para luego difuminar.
I made a line above the eye socket with blue eye shadow and then blurred it

Tome sombra verde y la coloqué encima de la azul para que se difuminara mejor y se hiciera una especie de degradado.
I took green shadow and placed it on top of the blue so that it would blend better and make a sort of gradient.

Realicé un corte con toalla ya desmaquillante para quitar cualquier exceso de producto y posterior aplicar corrector blanco.
I made a cut with a towel and make-up remover to remove any excess product and then apply white concealer.

Hice una especie de delineado negro con uña lápiz de ojo para luego aplicar sombra negra y sellar, posterior a esto comencé a difuminar hacia la parte interna del ojo.
I made a kind of black eyeliner with an eye pencil nail and then I applied black shadow and sealed, after that I started to blend towards the inner part of the eye.

Apliqué sombra color naranja en el medio del párpado y la difumine con la sombra negra hasta que se integrara.
I applied orange shadow in the middle of the eyelid and blended it with the black shadow until it blended in.

En la línea de agua coloqué sombra verde y en el párpado inferior sombra azul.
I placed green shadow on the waterline and blue shadow on the lower eyelid.

¡Y listo! El maquillaje está hecho.
And ready! The makeup is done.
Espero les haya gustado mi post y sería de gran alegría para mi si les sirve de ayuda.
I hope you liked my post and it would be a great joy for me if it helps you.

Gran trabajo, está muy lindo ✨🤪
! Muchas gracias preciosa! 🥰
Que lindo
¡Gracias hermosa! 🥰
Looks wild!
Thankss!! 😁😁
¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que te gustara amiga 🥰
¡Que bueno! Se que dentro de poco lo dominaras amiga ¡Suerte! 😁