Hello to all the people of this community, today I decided to do a Makeup at home inspired by the phases of our beautiful moon.
Para realizarme este maquillaje utilice: pinturas, pedrería, algodón y Pincel.
To do this make-up use: paints, rhinestones, cotton and a Brush.
Primeramente lave mi cara y la deje totalmente limpia.
First I washed my face and left it totally clean.
Comencé aplicando pintura de tono azul con un algodón, luego le aplique un tono blanco y así logró un efecto degradé.
I began by applying blue paint with a cotton pad, then I applied a white tone to it and thus achieved a degraded effect.
Luego pinte la luna en cada una de sus fases.
Then paint the moon in each of its phases.
Finalice pegando pedrería de ambos lados de mi cara y sobra de tono azul en el lado derecho.
I finished by gluing rhinestones on both sides of my face and a leftover blue tone on the right side.
Este es el resultado final de mi maquillaje
This is the final result of my makeup