Pintura representativa del sol.. Painting representative of the sun.

in MakeUp Power4 years ago


Feliz viernes por la noche amigos de Hive en especial la comunidad de @Makeup por segunda vez quise atreverme y presentarle a ustedes una pintura corporal inspirada en el sol, siento que me identifico con este elemento ya que representa la mayor fuente de luz, poder del fuego del espíritu y es considerada una estrella que brilla con luz propia e irradia energía, es un maquillaje muy sencillo pero inspirador, esperando siempre que les guste.

Happy Friday night Hive friends especially the @Makeup community for the second time I wanted to dare and present to you a body painting inspired by the sun, I feel that I identify with this element as it represents the greatest source of light, fire power of the spirit and is considered a star that shines with its own light and radiates energy, it is a very simple but inspiring makeup, always hoping you like it.


  • Pintura amarilla y negra
  • pincel
  • tijera
  • papel cebolla
  • tirro
  • piedreria decorativa.



  • Yellow and black paint
  • paintbrush
  • scissors
  • onion paper
  • string
  • decorative stonework.

Primeramente dibujamos el boceto del dibujo en el papel cebolla, recortarlo y con un poco de tirro colocamos en el lugar a dibujar seguidamente pintamos con la pintura amarilla hasta que el color quede lo mas uniforme posible.



First we draw the sketch of the drawing on the onion paper, cut it out and with a little bit of tyro we place it in the place to be drawn, then we paint with the yellow paint until the color is as uniform as possible.

Retiramos el papel cebolla del lugar maquillado de color amarillo luego con la pintura negra o con la ayuda de un lapicero remarcar el borde de todo el dibujo.



We remove the onion paper from the place with the yellow make-up and then with black paint or with the help of a pencil mark the edge of the whole drawing.

Para finalizar colocamos la piedreria decorativa para darle una mejor presentación a la pintura.


Finally, we place the decorative stonework to give a better presentation to the painting.


Muchas gracias por apoyo..

Thank you very much for your support..


nice but you look like a kid at a funfair hehehe

 4 years ago  

Thanks for your comment, but as I am a teacher I do this type of painting on my students in special activities.

Soon I will do a make-up that won't make you laugh too much and as a woman.


Really nice face painting. It reminds me of the face painting that I used to get for the children at our family reunion. The designs were beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.

 4 years ago  

Yes, I usually paint my students' faces during special activities.

thanks for your comment

 4 years ago  

Me gustó mucho. Me da vibras de carnaval 😁

 4 years ago  

Si amiga ya estamos próximos a celebrar esa festividad,

 4 years ago  

Hola está lindo tu dibujo felicidades 🥰