Good afternoon hive friends! I hope you are well, today I want to share with you a watermelon makeup on our wonderful eyes. I did it inspired by a watermelon that my father bought to snack and make juice, for my sister and me. It's a very fun makeup, since you have watermelon in your eyes hehe, let's start creating the watermelon pieces.
We will start by first applying concealer or foundation all over our eyelid, and then blend it very well. This is so that our makeup can stand out.
After having blended our foundation or concealer, we proceed to apply the red shadow all over our eyelid. Blending it very well, our red shadow will look a little light.
After our red shadow is blurred, since it looks very light, we apply again our red shadow all over the center of our eyelid, so that it is a little more shaded in the center.
Once our red shadow has been applied, we proceed to reapply foundation or concealer underneath our eyelid and then blend it in.
Ya después de finalizar con nuestra sombra de color rojo, la base o corrector bien difuminado. Aplicaremos sombra de color verde oscuro por debajo de nuestro párpado, llevándolo desde el centro hacia adelante y para atrás. Quedando de esta manera:
After finishing with our red shadow, the foundation or concealer is well blended. We will apply dark green shadow under our eyelid, taking it from the center to the front and back. This is how it looks like:
Once everything we applied before is finished, we proceed to make the seeds of the watermelon, we take our eyeliner and we start to draw very carefully the seeds of the watermelon. I didn't do it very well, but, little by little I'm learning how to do it. I know you will do it very well friends, this is how our watermelons will look like.
Finished our watermelons, we begin to give it life. Applying foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, highlighter, whatever you want on it. Well without further ado, this is what our result looks like.