Hola amigos, este mes no hice tantos maquillajes como quería pero estoy intentando retomar a diario estos últimos días de Halloween, el día de hoy les presento un maquillaje inspirado en la serie “You” esta serie habla sobre un chico acosador y asesino, hace muy poco pude ver la ultima temporada y me encanto, me gusto la idea de mezclar el concepto de “You” con Halloween ya que en cierto modo pensar en que existan personas tan frías y calculadoras en la vida real es seriamente espeluznante.
El amor representado en la forma mas sangrienta y toxica que puede brindarnos esta serie.
Hello friends, this month I did not do as many makeups as I wanted but I am trying to take up these last days of Halloween on a daily basis, today I present a makeup inspired by the series "You" this series is about a stalker and murderer guy, I see the last season and I loved it, I liked the idea of mixing the concept of "You" with Halloween because in a way to think that there are such cold and calculating people in real life is seriously creepy.
Love represented in the bloodiest and most toxic way that this series can offer us.
Para comenzar aplique pega en barra en mis cejas, luego comencé a pintar un poco con pintura corporal blanca, con pintura roja marque las parte del rostro que iba a rellenar y con sombra roja coloree alrededor de estas marcas mas adelante intensifique los colores aplicando mas rojo y negro, añadí sombra en mi nariz y alrededor de mi boca.
To begin, I applied glue stick on my eyebrows, then I began to paint a little with white body paint, with red paint I marked the part of the face that I was going to fill and with red shadow I colored around these marks later, intensify the colors by applying more red and black, I added shadow on my nose and around my mouth.

Después de rellenar todo puse sombra negra en el centro de las marcas, para dar un poco de profundidad, hice unas pequeñas heridas en la parte de arriba de mis labios con piel falsa para agregar sangre ahí mas adelante.
After filling everything I put black shadow in the center of the marks, to give a little depth, I made some small wounds on the top of my lips with fake skin to add blood there later.

Olvide mencionar que en algunas partes de mi rostro coloque sombra verde y morada para que mi piel luciese un poco diferente como “muerta” en esas partes.
También pinte unas especies de grapas que cubrían mis heridas con pintura blanca, finalmente aplique sangre falsa por todo mi rostro y las heridas.
I forgot to mention that in some parts of my face I put green and purple shadow so that my skin looked a little different as "dead" in those parts.
I also painted a kind of staples that covered my wounds with white paint, finally applying fake blood all over my face and wounds.


Espero que les haya gustado :)
I hope you like it :)
hello.it's very cool, it's creepy to see that you are a master of your craft. Are you a makeup artist in the cinema?
Thank you, I am not a makeup artist cine, I do my makeup practically for hobby 😅
As always! Amazing artwork from you! The cut effect on the upper lips is so realistic. That stitch I thought was a metal material at first, but its a drawing right? Anyways !LUV it! Keep it up!
@alexa.art, you've been given LUV from @tawadak24.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)
Thank you very much ❤ yep, everything is hand drawn with face paint 😄
Increible eres una maquilladora muy profesional, la verdad me encanto y eres muy hermosa
Muchísimas gracias 🥰
wow que bello y que aterrador te quedo el maquillaje @alexa.art
Muchas gracias ❤️