This is actually great advice! Definitely important to note that if someone is just starting out, posting one post a day or even less is probably the best - simply to get used to writing, make sure you put enough effort in, and so on.
I have to make meaningful comments as a part of the curating that I do, so I rarely have time to do it in the communities I actually follow and post in the most - this is something I want to work on, sneak in a few every day!
I treat HIVE blogging as a fun way to chill after work - I have to say my posts have been mildly successful and I'm happy with where I'm at - I plan to expand to write on more communities and keep posting at least once a day!
If someone is starting out, there may not be enough Resource Credits available to post daily. There could be, but that is not a given. Definitely engage with other people by commenting on their posts and with other commenters. Earnings from comments may not seem like much individually, but take one day's worth of comments which earned upvotes and it can be a good day for earning!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a good way to do it. I use Hive as my coffee break activity (and also when meetings are long and boring, shhhh 🤫).
One of the best things I did was to take facebook and twitter off of my phone, now when I need a hit of dopamine I come here instead!