in Hive Sea3 years ago


Hi hivevers, how are you doing right now? Are you from the Asian region? If so, today me and some of my friends have created a "hivesea" community.

What are hive sea?

Hive sea is a hive community for the Southeast Asia region, in this community we will together build and develop a hive and ecency platform in the Southeast Asia region, and especially in the Indonesian region.


helping newcomer's to grow on the hive/ecency platform and helping those who join to be more creative in making posts, and at the same time learning about etiquette in making posts on hive/ecency.


Developing hive and ecency platforms in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia by inviting them to join hive and ecency.

What content can be posted in the hiv sea community?

as for some content criteria that can be posted in the hivesea community as follows;
    MY STORY is a daily story that you guys do from until late at night, and more info in the next post about the rules "MY STORY".

    Activities that you do that contain positive things (for example: charity work, mutual cooperation, and other things).

    Is a photography contest that you can share in hivesea community posts such as sunset, macro photography, and black and white. The rules will be discussed in the next hivesea photography post.

as for some curators who support the hivesea community, namely @altonos. Thank you for supporting us so far, and please support the other curators @acityo @firepower @appeciator @trafaglar @bluemist to advance the hivesea community.


Hai hivevers, bagaimana kabarmu sekarang? Apakah Anda dari wilayah Asia? Jika ya, hari ini saya dan beberapa teman saya telah membuat komunitas "hivesea".

Apa itu hive sea?

Hive sea adalah komunitas hive untuk wilayah Asia Tenggara, di komunitas ini kita akan bersama-sama membangun dan mengembangkan platform hive dan ecency di wilayah Asia Tenggara, dan khususnya di wilayah Indonesia.


membantu pendatang baru untuk berkembang di platform hive/ecency dan membantu mereka yang bergabung untuk lebih kreatif dalam membuat postingan, sekaligus belajar tentang etika dalam membuat postingan di hive/ecency.


Mengembangkan platform hive and ecency di Asia Tenggara, khususnya Indonesia dengan mengajak mereka bergabung dalam hive and ecency.

Konten apa yang bisa diposting di komunitas hiv sea?

adapun beberapa kriteria konten yang dapat diposting di komunitas hivesea sebagai berikut;
    MY STORY adalah cerita harian yang kalian lakukan dari sampai larut malam, dan info lebih lanjut di postingan selanjutnya tentang aturan "MY STORY".

    Kegiatan yang Anda lakukan yang mengandung hal-hal positif (misalnya: amal, gotong royong, dan lain-lain).

    Adalah kontes fotografi yang dapat Anda bagikan di postingan komunitas hivesea seperti sunset, fotografi makro, dan hitam putih. Aturannya akan dibahas di postingan hivesea photography selanjutnya.

adapun beberapa kurator yang mendukung komunitas hivesea adalah @altonos. Terima kasih telah mendukung kami sejauh ini, dan mohon dukungannya kepada kurator lainnya @acityo @firepower @appeciator @trafaglar @bluemist untuk memajukan komunitas hivesea.



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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 20

Looking forward for more information and rules..
Actuall as I know seaphotography community is already exists..

sorry, this is not a seaphotography community, this is a hivesea community, where in this community we create 3 content criteria that can be called contests in this community.
peace ✌️

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

thank you for the live token gift, of course later we will stop by


It's a good job

Thankyou, come join hivesea community

Just join to Hive sea and I wanna to know how is your team support for qualified post. Qualified author had need to support and it will be success your community. Just discussion.

thank you very much for the input, over time with strong determination, it is very likely that the hivesea community will grow

Looks like it is more of an Indonesian community. Why then need to name is as Southeast Asian?

Look forward to seeing the development 🙂

Good luck. !ALIVE

yes!! This is indeed an Indonesian community, but we named it Southeast Asia, so that newcomers from outside Indonesia can also join the Hive Sea community.

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@hive-103001, thank you for supporting the HiveBuzz project by voting for our witness.

Here Is a small present to show our gratitude
Click on the badge to view your Board of Honor.

Once again, thanks for your support!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 25

wah mantap. kebetulan saya juga dari indonesia. Tapi jarang main ke laut sea. lebih seringnya ke gunung. Semoga komunitas hive sea berkembang dan sukses

Terimakasih banyak do’a, ayok gabung ke hivesea, hivesea itu bukan laut tapi hive wilayah sea (southeast Asia), ayok sama sama berkembang di hive/Ecency

I love sea - it has dolphins and whales!

you have mis-spelled the name of @acityo curator

Greetings, I think it is a good idea to support Southeast Asian content on Hive, it is definitely an underserved community. I run the ASEAN Hive Community, which hosts 640 subscribers and a lot of engagement. It has been active for around a year and a half, and is already a sustainable and promising community.

I don't want to detract from this project or discourage anyone from posting in your community, just wanted to let you know there is already a Southeast Asian community on Hive in case you didn't know when you formed this community.

Cheers and good luck!

Cool, I'm currently living in Cambodia and post a ton of content about Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. I'll check the community out!

Of course come join to @hivesea