Christianity - One Bigly TooFuckeh problem to solve.


I found the God is not Christian video very thought provoking and allowed me to review some of my own programming over the years.

Watch it if you dare. For now, let me share some drivers behind the idea for a #TooFuckeh problem solving token.

Personal Background

As an adult managing ADHD, I have been able to surprise myself as to what I can, and have achieved. Having lived this long, being the main event. I get reminded from time to time of a few incidents where near death and saving lives were by the hand of God. I say that when I have no believable explanation of a particular outcome.

It takes a lot of understanding to accept the many undesirable behaviours, processes and technologies used to program a developing mind. Obviously some things are not acceptable and cannot be easily changed. In time, everything changes whether you like it or not so it is wise to be prepared for inevitable life changes coming our way.

If you watch the video you should get a good sense of some serious problems that have not been solved. For example, the impact of some humans being brainwashed and if that didn't work then maybe herded and enslaved.

For me, I was born poor with a Roman Catholic upbringing, my brother and I have the same Joseph first name and my seven sisters have Marie as first name. Just like you don't pick where you are born, you don't pick your religious doctrine. Doctrine with all the modifications and implementations that evolved over time.

Looking back, I managed to go through 12 years of schooling and 2 years of technology without spending much time studying. I did book reports on books I did not read. I only did what I needed to do to pass. Now I did study in my 2nd year of technology and that was because of a promise I made to my mother at her death. I finished the 2 year Industrial Instrumentation Technology Diploma with honors. As it turned out, the year I finished tech, was the year that the provincial power company was building a Nuclear Power Plant and they hired half the class. NB Power provided all the stimuli I needed, until it couldn't and their management objectives became less sensitive to human needs.

Sometimes I think of how lucky I am and other times I figure for all I know I am just responding to predeterministic causes. When I look back at 32 years of employment I sum it up by saying they paid me enough to stay up to the time they paid me enough to leave.

I am most thankful to NB Power for providing an Employee Assistant Program. With their help, I was able to address the mental heath challenges by having all the necessary tools in my toolbox which I can share with anyone, and use it as guidance for the next generation of learners. Not just those with ADHD. The sad part of working at NB power was having to accept that process improvement was no longer a top priority. I had saved them several million dollars from existing operation and I was proposing new operations that would generate revenue and boost profits. Now I see their loss as my gain. But then, maybe the departure was meant to be. Hence, the early retirement package in 2010 at the age of 53 to focus on an online/offline journey that is healthier, more enjoyable and contributes to a higher disposable income.

I think Trump has ADHD

If your a good observer and good at collecting quality, measurable data, you have a superpower in demand. This would define my wife in many ways. Because of her superpower, I have been able to be more successful in my own learning development. She is part of my foundation. I have become a better observer and have been able to expand on my own ability to notice patterns.

In 2016, I figured Trump won because of an error in the system. Well, that error got much bigger, it caused a lot of problems and because our systems are no better today, we may be in for the most chaotic period in history. Imagine, a President with untreated/managed ADHD with no foundational support.

Indigenous - Slavery - Colonization

Today, in Canada, we are progressing through a period of Truth and Reconciliation toward First Nation People. First you agree there is a problem. ie The Doctrine of Discovery; and then you address this root cause of the problem. Next door, in USA, I often notice significant problems with issues associated with slavery so much so, I seldom hear about the treatment of First Nation people.

Both Canada and USA have propagated colonial systems of influencing, governing, control, etc. Obviously, this is not unique to Canada and USA. It just happens to be closer to my home so I have to plan accordingly.

Watching the video, it opened my eyes a little wider to the current conflicts in Africa as a result of colonization by several European countries, NGOs, etc.

PEPT TooFuckeh Connection

ePayTraffic domain name and website was created before Steemit blockchain was launched. I had several years of experience in making money from various affiliate types of program, various paid-to-click programs, paid-to-promote and I explored offering advertising and marketing services. I knew the marketplace was changing so I started to formulate some ideas into a plan to make money from the common denominator across all the online click programs I explored. Paid for traffic, hmm, stick an e in front of it. Seems so simple; ePayTraffic. Paid for moving traffic. As mentioned in previous blogs, the website was built from a licensed manual traffic exchange script. As I learned more, I realized it needed a lot of customization if it was going to be part of a bigger project. A project that involved the building of a new internet via blockchain technology. So I adopted Project as the prefix to ePayTraffic so PEPT would become the umbrella for the new internet of things for FJ World Inc and anyone that is willing to collaborate on various projects. By projects, I mean all sizes, but mostly small problem solving ideas often part of a continuous process improvement initiative.

So PEPT Banker account issued the maximum allowable number of TooFuckeh problem solving tokens. The tokens represent a reward value for being part of solving problems. How does that connect to theology and God not being a Christian? Well, read the TooFuckeh doctrine to learn more.

The TooFuckeh Doctrine (TTD)

A few days ago, it was mentioned to be on the lookout for documentation on how the PEPT Banker account would raise funds via TooFuckeh tokens. Today, you just found out that the documentation will be a published doctrine.

TTD is not about a religious belief but about a framework for problem solving and decision making. More on this later.

That's all for this blog. Be on the lookout for the next update. For now, I invite you to pickup some TooFuckeh tokens to show your support and willingness to take a small risk for higher gains. If you have any questions and concern, please ask/reply. My feelings are that people miss out of some great opportunities because they are too busy completing less rewarding tasks. It's good to be busy, efficient but are you effective first?


I am looking into tokens in my wallet and have seen nothing going on with this token. I thought I would find out what is going on with it. This is the first thing I have read on this and it seems like there is not a lot going on with it.

I don't know what you mean by

nothing going on with this token.

Have you seen the many published blogs in the PEPT community?

I can answer to a more specific concern you may have if you are referring to any tokens within the PEPT ecosystem.