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in Project ePay Traffic2 years ago


Our discord server is for all things related to #pept #epay #fjwi #epaytraffic and everything related to building use cases around moving traffic.

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Hello Jack, I am checking in. How are you doing? I surfed 250 pages today at ePay Traffic. Is this the place to post it? Here is my proof. Thank you. Barb

I am doing well.
No need to post you surfed 250 pages.
Have an awesome day.Hi Barb, @adcreatordesign

Checkout my new responsibility.

Hi @pept-admin this is great you are doing well. Oh yes, Jack, I love your little puppy! She is adorable. Is she a Labrador retriever? Have fun with Crimer 😊😊😊🐶 !BBH !CTP