Wow! Look at our LEO chart today.


First, have a quick read of the last LEO chart review 3 weeks ago.

Our #pepEntropy token value comes from @fjworld executing Qualitative Investing Strategies on various Hive layer 2 tokens. That means, trading LEO is complimentary to a revenue stream for our pepEntropy digital wallet.

Once again, I am reminded that the risk is still high for LEO. Well, not just LEO, look what happened in the last 3 weeks. Donald J Trump, our #1 #TooFuckeh Award Winner is now president elect, stock markets have rallied, US$ is crushing other currencies, Elon Musk demonstrates his influence on DOGE coin. Wow! What's next?

3 Week Volatility

We did not go down to 0.10 but we did go up to 0.29 which is an awesome short term return. It has pullback a bit to 0.25 range so please be cautious of a paper increase if you did not close out a trade.

I am getting excited from playing in the sandbox. The last 3 weeks I have been working on a platform where everyday online activities are rewarded via a gaming theory application I am developing. Soon I will present our new website that will connect these chart reviews and all aspects of Hive, including some off chain activities. All real world daily activities but performed via a gaming mechanic where the product of your fun is additional revenue streams.


20% of the earnings from this blog is allocated to Project ePayTraffic (PEPT). Consider PEPT as your long term Digital Asset Builder.