Videos can be helpful, yes, but I don't think they are a 100% replacement for text in any such situation from a UI standpoint. There are many different users, scenarios and expectations - many people want/need text.
It's also a 15 minute fix to implement text.. vs days for video.
Video with subtitles would be better.
Adding text could also overcomplicate the site, possibly leading to worse results.
Posted via D.BuzzAs far as I know, @dbuzz is one of the top onboarders in terms of users, and our userbase is consistenly increasing, making changes should be done carefully.
Do you have another phone number you can use to try onboarding? (onboard a friend)
Users are consistently joining D.Buzz to the extent we are running our of claimed account credits.
Posted via D.Buzz
I don't at the moment, no. I messaged you in Discord to discuss a solution to your lack of account credits :)
Sounds good, thank you!
Posted via D.Buzz