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RE: Hive cost cutting proposal: Vote for the Return Proposal, add a quorum (e.g. 50%) of active staked hive, cut DAO rates, lower HBD APR?

in Hive Improvement7 months ago

In my opinion, many DAO projects hardly generate any added value and do not fulfill their big promises either.

Which of the 14 do not fulfill their promises and which hardly generate any added value if there are "many"? And is the added value meant for you as a blogger, investor or for Hive as a whole?


Setting a quorum hard in the source code is a no-go and would destroy the DAO completely. The proposed witness parameter only shifts the power of decision (from when proposals go through) even further away from the community. I have no idea what this is supposed to achieve (apart from the necessary witness votes to set the stake as active) - the witnesses can also simply vote on the return proposal. The ones with the biggest stake are in the top 20 anyway, aren't they?

20 / 15%

The witnesses voted on 20% (now 15%). Every witness is free to set this value differently. I think that the value has always been far too high and is still far too high at 15%. I believe we have made the current situation even worse with this value - which sounds like a scam to outsiders anyway and did not attract any major investors. Furtnately internal witness discussions and maybe the tweet made some change and we are now on 15%.

The Big Defund

We have now reached the point where we want to defund the people who really make progress on/for Hive...

In my opinion, it would be a very bad sign if the only 14 active projects had to discontinue and propose greatly reduced costs. There are real people behind it who reserve their time and skills for Hive and, in my personal opinion, bring real value to the chain. Getting a proposal over the return proposal at all is already extremely difficult and requires a lot of work/networking. These people could spend their time working on other chains or projects and certainly "earn" a lot more money with their skills. They are also less likely to be accused of enriching themselves on other chains like here on Hive, where it is common to devalue developer work. Without these developers, we would still be at the technological level of 2020 or earlier... Of course, some transparency regarding the income that goes into the teams' pockets would be useful and necessary. But I think that the thinking here is far too short-term/narrow-minded and without regard to the Hive image within the crypto scene.

Which developer would make a proposal when knowing about this story? If you can't even begin to rely on the requested revenue (there's never a guarantee - that's clear), you'd rather go somewhere else. A blockchain with no/hardly any technological progress is not something I want to invest my time in. And what's the point of this whole thing anyway? Currently <7% of the daily available HBD is paid out to these projects. I think this whole scandal (yes it would be one) would do very little positive and many negative things for the Hive chain. Reducing the APR would be a much better approach.

And assuming the situation that all proposals are outvoted, the return proposal goes to 50m HP - then few to no more proposals will go through and we are at a standstill. We would then have to live without the decentralization of the UIs (because they can't pay the bills), the further development of the core code, the coming smart contracts, and HiveSQL/HAFSQL etc. We would be a smaller name in the cryptosphere with one hit. I don't want a Hive where frontends close down, we have to go back to and I have to recode all my bots because neither HiveSQL nor HAFSQL work anymore. And even this "recoding" will be difficult because no one will care about the libraries/APIs we use on a daily basis.

That said, I interpret 3speak's tweet as more of a bashing of the already active projects. Doing that on X is a weird move on its own- why don't they do it here on Hive? At least they are not part of the many people who accuse proposal teams of enriching themselves while not doing anything for the progress of Hive except blogging, staking and maybe investing. At least they do something and try to bring Hive forward.


We learned from the one I still won't name that drama brings in the users.
He had epic drama.
Gif's and memes galore.
So, perhaps this airing of the dirty laundry on X will bring in some eyeballs.
More likely not as the problems of user retention have been plainly stated for a long time, but too few will give up power willingly for a bet on human kindness and mutual respect.
Crapitalism has put the kibosh on mutual aid.

the further development of the core code,

What is the use of the further development of the core code if no people join the network? Do you think a tiny better infrastructure will attract the masses?
We have already a fairly good product, just the efficient marketing is not there.
And by efficient marketing I don´t mean a super expensive rally car or a great film noboby can watch.