Looks good. I believe the above suggestion of transferring 0.001 HBD to yourself would probably work to harvest.
Actually, on second thought, since we're talking about HBD in savings here, you can't just transfer (since it isn't liquid), you would have to deposit another 0.001 HBD into savings, but then you would have to have 0.001 HBD liquid to do that.
So I'm not really sure what is the best way to harvest.
I don't see it happening in this HF but perhaps in a future HF adding a special op to claim interest in savings would be the way to go.
unstake .001hbd ? Seems like a small price to pay to have an action go through.
Probably would work. Also, I think it's possible to cancel a savings withdraw. The combination of starting it and then cancelling it might still trigger interest (not sure)
Completely agree considering that HIVE transactions are fee less - definitely small to pay
That would be brilliant, I agree with jarvie that it’s a small price to pay for your sweet sweet interest in the meantime
And technically money spent... just money moved.