Communities Brainstorming Challenge


Communities are a vital feature of Hive. They are used for curation, for likeminded users to come together, for categorizing content, and in general for improving the quality of the blogging experience on Hive frontends, particularly on Most people enjoy joining communities and following, curating and even managing the content within.

What Communities are:

This is taken directly from the Hive whitepaper:

Communities are a topical way to organize and manage the frontend-facing collation and discoverability of usergenerated content. They leverage the tag and follow features to sort, manage and thematically organize segments of content. A community is an account that is also set as a category for the content published in it. Upon its creation, a new account is generated and is then granted a modifiable label to display on the frontends. The community account itself may also opt to transact in the same way that any other account; it may post, cast votes, make transfers, and create other accounts.

Once a community is created, it may be labeled as desired and operated by its owner. Users may join communities, submit content to them, manage communities where they are set by the owner as administrators, hide undesirable submissions by muting them, give them descriptions and perform many other interactive actions with the ultimate goal of building an active and cohesive community.

With the majority of the community infrastructure based upon a layered approach and creative utilization of core blockchain features, communities are designed to be both flexible and functional. The naming of communities is not exclusive and multiple communities may have the same or similar names; their base account is set by a hive-000000 name-number naming convention. This prevents name squatting and allows any user to form a community on any topic. Where numerous similar communities are in competition, the one with the highest rate of user engagement will become the main community on its chosen topic but without disabling or otherwise harming its competition. It is important to note that communities do not generate monetary rewards for their owners and organizers by default; their value is a purely qualitative improvement to the user experience. However, frontends may augment community features with additional revenue generation capabilities.

What Communities can be:


Imagine that what communities can become is entirely up to you. In this challenge you make three suggestions for improving communities. These three suggestions can be very small or major changes.

As part of this challenge, all suggestions will be logged into a comprehensive list so your ideas aren't lost. This isn't a "formal" initiative and is intended to be the start of the Hive ecosystem coming together to brainstorm on a specific topic of communities.


  1. Write a post listing your top 3 improvement ideas for communities
  2. Tag 3 friends in your post who you want to challenge + copy these rules into your post
  3. Come back here and link your post in the comments


  • Make sure that your ideas are clearly presented and easy to see in your post
  • Don't include random memes or irrelevant graphics as they distract from your ieas
  • You may write in any language you see fit; English is not mandatory (we can use Google translate to read)
  • If you don't come back to post your link in comments, we can't find it


Support us by voting our @guiltyparties witness. All earnings go back into our Hive tech!


Looks like I'm late to the party.

Communities won't even work if the plan is to strip the Hive token's functionalities. Not sure what needs to be improved if suddenly members can only work for random shit coins only, most of which won't even be able to get off the ground if Hive isn't there to provide a main layer of support. People will simply flock to the tiny handful of communities with actual rewards, if those even exist. With this market being so small now, it's ridiculous to think all current stake holders will take an interest in all community tokens in order to support all community members. If the plan is to strip Hive's reward pool, scrap the plans, halt development, put a fork in it, because it's done.

  1. Allow communities to have metadata categories to identify what they talk about to help front ends connect communities to new users.

  2. Allow communities to sub-divide their content easier and decide what sub-divisions of content they are most interested in so that it encourages that type of content.

  3. More stats about communities... such as number of actual posts all time, number of posts in last week. Interactions is a number for comments but a viewer wants to know how many posts are in there... and perhaps showing when the last post was or how many new posts since the last time you marked notifications as viewed.

Can we get back beneficiaries?

Superb initiative, thank you!

A feature I would really like to see is community admins being able to set recommended or mandatory payout percentages (anywhere between 0.1% and 100%) that go to a dedicated community account. So that posting in a community and earning rewards there becomes a fundraising initiative for the entire community. The community then can have its own governance mechanism for how the funds are used (presumably it will be to further the community's purpose).

Native Ads Protocol will make this possible.Another feature is advertising in the community, with the ad revenue going to the community-dedicated account. If I understand correctly, @imwatsi's

Yes @borislavzlatanov Native Ads aims to make that and more possible :)

#1. Improved search function for finding communities on the Hive Block Chain
Categorize communities to aid in the search. Example:

  • Social
  • Technololgy
  • Political
  • Blog

#2. Specify created post tag order.

  • First tag=community
  • Second Tag = community category, (landscape, portrait, Black and White)
  • Third tag = community sub-category, (city, nature, ocean, people pets etc>)
  • Fourth and fifth tags = non-specific search tags/contest tags (cats, dogs, election, why)
  • Remainder tags the support tags, (OCD, GEMS, ACTIFIT, APPRECIATOR, ect)

I do not have a third idea as of yet.

Tags are complicated enough as they are - you won't believe how often I tell people about the difference between the first five tags and the rest...

That is why we need to make it standard across the board. Content search needs to be relevant if a person types in 'Photography Portrait Cats' they don't want to find a poem about a lost love.

The reason tags are complicated is because we have no standards for how they are used.

Is there a model you are working from or an example on the web of what you are trying to accomplish with communities? Since they started on Steem I have been confused by the way they seem to compartmentalize our large group into these small places that are hard to find. The only other social media I look at is Twitter (glad to see the poshbot get downvoted too btw) and they don't seem to do this community thing. I like the old Steem way and the Twitter way, scroll everything, if I want to read about coffee I can easily search "coffee", or better yet if I am following a coffee blogger it just shows up in my feed.

There are so few of us left here I just don't understand dividing the few up into even smaller groups. Thanks GP!

Agree with this 10000%.

How to improve communities?
Remove them. Go back to tags only.


The community feature is completely annoying. As is having a posts vs. blog area on our personal profiles.

Now to find people’s post you have to search communities AND tags and it is a pain.

Would it be better if all posts made to communities automatically appeared on your blog feed as well?

I cannot think of three suggestions that have not already been mentioned. However, I do endorse the following three suggestions made by others:

from @victoriabsb
1️⃣ Make Discoverability of Communities More Easy:
There are far too many and users get lost in the vast ocean of communities so, searching for one community in particular by theme should be easy to do, right now you can only search by name and if the community has a non-common name it doesn't help.

from @victoriabsb
2️⃣ Allow to Separate Categories Within the Same Community:
By adding tags to the post, you can categorize within the same community, maybe even allowing to add tabs for categories or sub categories, making content discovery in a community even more easy too.

from: @borislavzlatanov
3️⃣ Beneficiary recommendation:
A feature I would really like to see is community admins being able to set recommended or mandatory payout percentages (anywhere between 0.1% and 100%) that go to a dedicated community account. So that posting in a community and earning rewards there becomes a fundraising initiative for the entire community.

Thank you for asking for our feedback! 🙂

So. I'm a dope. @bozz answered the challenge but I forgot to put YOUR link in my post. So here is the link to his excellent post.

It was GOOD to really think through this one.... thank you. Appreciating the way the decentralized Hive community is evolving. I hope my contribution adds some value to the thought processes. But in the end I think I have to agree with @summertooth and say that I don't think the communities add enough value, and that they make people lazy to engage outside of their box.

Thanks for this challenge, I've added my thoughts over here!

Thanks for asking the question @guiltyparties. It has been interesting to read through the suggestions for improvements. Some were actually quite valid and I could see both Featheredfriends and Shadowhunters benefiting from the the three that @thekittygirl mentioned.

I might have gone down a different track here. It might also offer some food for thought.

My 3 humble suggestions to make communities better

Thanks for a great initiative and place to start the discussion.

Here's mine such as it is:

Can we have beneficiaries back on crossposting?
Can we have beneficiaries back on running a community?
Why were these features taken from us without discussion in the community?
Why was the inner circle jerk allowed to take this away from us?

There were beneficiaries for running a community??

Yes, and they were taken away arbitrarily because of one person.

Hi. Hope it readable through the translator
(and yes I did not read others ideas, 'cos it is a lot of content to do, I hope everybody good in it, who done them)

My suggestions are all relating to the Governance of Communities in the belief that they should eventually (and ideally) operate as Decentralised Autonomous Organisations.

Here are my thoughts. I think communities have great potential. Hive could be the next reddit!

Aquí mi participación:

Tengo otras ideas que pudiera compartir. Ninguna de ellas tiene que ver con sembrar espinacas (solo hay un único usuario en todo hive aparte de mí que podrá entender este comentario, ja, ja ,ja)

Hi @guiltyparties,

I would like @ecency, @hiveblog (@blocktrades), @peakd and @dapplr to add an option of setting the max-accepted-payout for each person's #Community, in the management section of #Communities.

This would allow #Dapps like @dbuzz (we have a max-accepted-payout of $1.00) to run seamlessly without people publishing spam from 3rd party Dapps knowing their post would rank higher above everything else.

  • (It happens)

But that would also jut be a temporary fix, what we need is for #Communities to be able to set the max-accepted-payout at the blockchain level for their community so that there is no need to change the setting in each individual frontend.

~ @chrisrice

@tipu curate

Participate in the challenge please.

Good to see an initiative to take the communities feature forward. I'll have a think.

Nice one, missed this post