Welcome to Photo Quest!
Welcome to Photo Quest! The scene is set and hope you are armed with your favorite camera. Are you ready for your quest? Sure you are! This will be a weekly competition where we have a photography quest and you have to take a picture of something specific. Sometimes it will be easy, sometimes not so easy. We will try and keep it interesting as always! Below are the rules and details to set you out on your first quest!
Photo Quest for this week:
Golden Hour
If you want to participate, here are the #rules
A beautiful sunset on the Jekyll Islands, EE.UU
Enjoy the views and have a great day!
stay safe!
Thanks for visiting my post
Qué fotografías más espectaculares!!! Te deseo la suerte que mereces tener, dadas unas imágenes tan hermosas!
Gracias mi @purrix
Con el apoyo de la familia.