Health Tip: Biotin (Engl / Spn)

in Qurator4 months ago


Greetings to all, wishing you health, joy and prosperity. I think it is important to share the health experiences we may have, since this information can be useful to other people. Previously I offered two preventive health tips, which you can read here; and for today I will share with you a health tip, no longer preventive, but useful to stop hair loss.

Saludos a todos, deseándoles salud, alegría y prosperidad. Creo que es importante compartir las experiencias que en salud podamos tener, ya que esta información puede ser útil para otras personas. Anteriormente les ofrecí dos tips de salud preventiva, lo cual puedes leer aquí; y para hoy les compartiré un tip de salud, ya no preventiva, pero sí útil para detener la caída del cabello.

In the previous post, I told you about folic acid and its benefits, one of these being , reduce hair loss; And after having suffered from COVID 19 twice, I have lost approximately 50% of my hair; So obviously, I have been trying various alternatives to stop this problem. In fact, I have been taking 10 mg of folic acid daily for 9 months. In my case it worked well, but not enough to completely stop the loss and to grow new hair.

En el post anterior, les hablé del ácido fólico y sus beneficios, siendo uno de éstos, reducir la caída del cabello; y es que luego de haber padecido en dos oportunidades COVID 19, he perdido aproximadamente el 50% de mi cabellera; por lo que obviamente, he estado probando diversas alternativas para detener este inconveniente, de hecho ya tengo 9 meses tomando a diario 10 mg de ácido fólico. En mi caso funcionó bien, pero no lo suficiente para que se detuviese totalmente la caída y para que naciera nuevo cabello.

So a friend recommended that I take Biotin, specifically in its gummy form. Biotin is a B complex vitamin, more specifically it is vitamin B7, which is found in eggs, milk and bananas; and its deficiency can be detected in the body when hair thins and falls out, or when the skin on the face has a rash. I don't have a rash, but my hair has thinned and continues to fall out significantly, so 15 days ago I decided to apply my friend's advice, and I started consuming two Biotin gummies daily, each one equivalent to 10,000 micrograms. I'm also eating more bananas and plantains.

Así que una amiga me recomendó que tomase Biotina, específicamente en su presentación en gomitas. La Biotina es una vitamina del complejo B, más específicamente es la vitamina B7, que está en huevos, leches y bananas; y puede detectarse su deficiencia en el organismo, cuando el cabello adelgaza y se cae, o cuando la piel de la cara presenta salpullido. No tengo salpullido, pero mi cabello sí ha adelgazado y se me sigue cayendo en forma importante, por lo que hace 15 días decidí aplicar el consejo de mi amiga, y comencé a consumir dos gomitas de Biotina diariamente, cada una equivale a 10.000 microgramos. También estoy comiendo más bananas y plátanos.

I bought this bottle that I present to you today, because tomorrow I want to continue with this treatment with Biotin. I had previously bought another similar bottle, and the 60 gummies it comes with are enough for 30 doses of two gummies each, enough for 15 days, if two people are taking them (my husband and I). This bottle has a price of 242.28 bolivars, which is equivalent to 5.29 $ USD, with an exchange rate as of 11/19/24, of 45.78 bolivars per US dollar. 15 days ago, the price was 15 bolivars cheaper.

Este frasco que les presento, lo compré hoy, porque mañana quiero continuar con este tratamiento con Biotina. Anteriormente había comprado otro frasco igual, y las 60 gomitas que trae, alcanzan para 30 dosis de dos gomitas cada una, suficiente para 15 días, si dos personas las están tomando (mi esposo y yo). Este frasco tiene un precio de 242,28 bolívares, que equivale a 5,29 $ USD, con una tasa cambiaria al 19/11/24, de 45,78 bolívares por dólar americano. Hace 15 días, el precio fue 15 bolívares más barato.


I really like this presentation, because it comes completely sealed with a plastic covering. In addition, it provides the necessary information in an easy-to-read way (there are medications whose information is printed in such small font that it is illegible). You can see that it is manufactured in Venezuela, what seemed strange to me is that it is made in a food factory and not in a medical laboratory. The manufacturing and expiration dates are printed on the lid, with the validity period being 1 year. It says on the front that it has added vitamins C and E, which is also expressed in the nutritional table printed on the back of the bottle.

Me gusta mucho esta presentación, porque viene sellada totalmente con un plástico que le cubre. Además, provee la información necesaria de un modo fácil de leer, (hay medicamentos cuya información está impresa en una letra tan pequeña, que resulta ilegible). Puede verse que es fabricada en Venezuela, lo que me pareció raro es que se elabore en una fábrica de alimentos y no en un laboratorio médico. En la tapa trae impresas las fechas de elaboración y de vencimiento, siendo el período de vigencia por 1 año. En el frente se indica que tiene vitaminas C y E añadidas, lo cual también está expresado en la tabla nutricional impresa en la parte posterior del frasco.





These Biotin gummies also have an internal seal, which must be removed to open the bottle. The presentation is very pretty, as they are heart-shaped gummies, pink in color. The flavor is delicious, they taste like strawberry jelly. Something that I have noticed since I have been eating them is that they have increased my appetite, and my husband says he feels the same way, so we eat them with breakfast, so we can have an early snack again before lunch. Since I started this treatment, I have noticed a significant decrease in my hair loss, it is not that it has stopped, but that it falls out much less, and I suppose that if I continue taking them for several months, I will be able to reverse that problem. Before finishing, I want to recommend that if you are going to consume Biotin, it is good that you seek advice from a health professional.

Estas gomitas de Biotina también traen un sello interno, que es necesario desprender para abrir el frasco. La presentación es muy bonita, pues son gomitas en formas de corazón, de color rosado. El sabor es delicioso, saben a gelatina de fresas. Algo que sí he notado desde que las estoy consumiendo, es que me han aumentado el apetito, y mi esposo dice que se siente igual, así que las tomamos con el desayuno, para luego poder volver hacer una merienda temprana antes del almuerzo. Desde que comencé este tratamiento, he notado una importante disminución de la caída de mi cabello, no es que ha cesado, sino que se cae mucho menos, y supongo que si continúo ingiriéndolas por varios meses, podré revertir ese problema. Antes de finalizar quiero recomendar, que si vas a consumir Biotina, es bueno que te asesores con un profesional de la salud.




Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share a health tip that I think may be useful to some of you. Greetings to all, happy day or night, and remember: Not all days are the same and more importantly: Everything you give, everything you do, will inexorably return to you. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir un tip de salud que pienso puede ser de utilidad para algunos de ustedes. Saludos a todos, feliz día o noche, y recuerden: No todos los días son iguales y más importante aún: Todo lo que das, todo lo que haces, inexorablemente volverá a ti. ¡Abrazos!

Bibliografía Consultada / Referenced Bibliography

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As a woman that has battled hair loss before, I know how frustrating it gets. Mine was due to child birth and all the hormonal change that comes with it. Plus within that period, I over processed the hair with a relaxer.

My hair was pulling from the scalp. It wasn't breaking, I'll pull my hair a little and chunks are coming off. At a point I had wanted to cut but on a second thought, my hair and I go way back. I was determined to nurture my hair till it regains it'self and it did.

Although I didn't take any supplements, I just let my hair be.

The excitement that I have for you after reading your blog is that you are seeing progress. Well done 😌

What a difficult experience! It is certainly frustrating, sad and disappointing to see hair falling out, especially if we have had a thick head of hair before.

I hope your hair has stopped falling out, and that it grows strong and vigorous.

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment.

Greetings @bipolar95

Yeah it doesn't fall out anymore, I kind of limited the use of relaxers on my hair plus I wear my braids for a longer period now. 🙂

I also have a hair loss problem, and haven't found a solution. Finally I cut my hair short. you are lucky to find the right supplement.

Sometimes cutting hair stops hair loss. I hope you can find something that will help you stop its decline and stimulate its growth.

I know that rosemary helps a lot to strengthen it, I think I'm going to try it again, because many years ago I was using it for a period of time to darken my hair and make it more abundant, and it worked.

Thanks for your comment. Greetings @santibidini

Hola amiga @sirenahippie, que bueno que has notado mejoría en tu tratamiento con biotina. Yo quise comprarlo porque se me cae mucho el cabello, pero nunca lo compre y por otra razón fui a la endocrino y me dijo que no tomara eso que me dañaría la tiroides🤔. Lo de asesorarte con un médico es ideal, y si a ti te ha prestado eso esta buenisimo 👏❤️

Hola @marbrym, sí, hay que tener cuidado, por eso mismo siempre recomiendo que las personas consulten primero, porque así descartan cualquier problema a futuro. Y sí,la biotina interactúa con las hormonas tiroideas. En tu caso podrías probar con la infusión de romero, que puede te preste bien.

Saludos, feliz día.

Excekente recomendación muchas gracias 🤗❤️