
Hi there to @naniplayergamer

Oh wow Vagas is HOT 🔥 especially in the summer time. With very low humidity. Totally a 🏜️ desert climate. Very easy to get into trouble with dehydration if you are not paying attention and drinking plenty of water if you are working outside in the day time. Now where I live is more tropical. Like the P.I.s lots and lots of humidity. Usually 80- 98%. Sometimes in the morning my home weather station will read that it's raining. But it really is not. There's such a heavy dew that the sensor is covered and it reads "rain." It's hardly worth doing any nice curls in your hair cause the wind and humidity will zap ⚡ it right out. LoL best just pull your hair up in a ponytail, spray it with hair spray and hope for the

Yes its super hot there