Memorias del lunes n.° 45 (del 13 al 19 de enero): ¿Cuál es uno de tus recuerdos favoritos de tu madre?[Esp/Eng]

in Qurator2 days ago


Excelente semana para todos, una semana llena de muchos retos individuales, grupales para seguir andando, encontrandonos con nuestro ser, cada dìa màs conectados con el bienestar.

Una dinàmica de @ericvancewalton que ha resulado para mi excelente recordar èpocas, sensaciones de esos momentos vividos y ahora quedan registrados en cada uno de los post que compartimos gracias a esta iniciativa de los lunes. Gracias, muchas gracias.

Excellent week for everyone, a week full of many individual and group challenges to keep walking, finding our being, more and more connected with wellness.

A dynamic of @ericvancewalton that has been excellent for me to remember times, sensations of those moments lived and now are recorded in each of the posts that we share thanks to this initiative on Mondays. Thank you, thank you very much.


Esta semana està difìcil pero no imposible de elegir un recuerdo aunque de verdad son muchos, despuès que decirden partir de este plano comienzan a llegar momentos y màs momentos, igal estoy haciendo el intento por elegirlo.

Mi madre cambiò de plano en junio de 2024, por ello considero que un recuerdo favorito es muy poco. Ahora viene a mi mente su situaciòn acadèmica, estudiò hasta 4to grado de primaria, sin embargo su letra y capacidad de recordar fechas de las que aprendiò en esa època era maravillosa.

Encargada de la familia formada con mi padre desde los 16 años, fue madre a los 18 años, siempre se destacò por ser comprometida en lo que hacìa como ama de casa, tambièn lo que se permitìa para aumentar su economìa, no se quedaba solo con lo que mi papà semanalmente aportaba para mercado y otras cosas.

This week is difficult but not impossible to choose a memory although there are really many, after they decide to leave this plane moments and more moments begin to arrive, I'm still trying to choose it.

My mother changed plane in June 2024, that's why I consider that a favorite memory is very little. Now comes to my mind her academic situation, she studied until 4th grade of elementary school, however her handwriting and ability to remember dates she learned at that time was wonderful.

She was in charge of the family formed with my father since she was 16 years old, she became a mother at the age of 18, she always stood out for being committed in what she did as a housewife, also what she allowed herself to do to increase her economy, she did not stay only with what my father contributed weekly for the market and other things.

Tejìa lo que llevaba en hilo las alpargatas, estos son zapatos llaneros como se dice, ahora se consiguen en diferentes estilos, como de cuero. Criaba gallinas para la venta, igual criaba cochinos...tenìa sus clientes y se movìa en estas cosas de negocios. Ademàs llegò momentos que hacìa comida para la venta a algunos trabajadores que no tenìan quien les hiciera las comidas para llevar al trabajo. Siempre , siempre fue muy dinàmica en esto de recibir dinero.

She wove what she wore in thread, the espadrilles, these are llaneros shoes as they say, now you can get them in different styles, like leather. He raised chickens for sale, he also raised pigs...he had his clients and moved in these business things. He also made food to sell to some workers who had no one to make them meals to take to work. She was always, always very dynamic in this business of receiving money.


Frente a la casa donde vivìmos contruyeron una escuela de especialidades femeninas, estas escuelas estaban diseñadas para educar a las mujeres en un oficio costura, cocina, floristerìa, peluquerìa. Mi madre ya estaba cerca de los 60 años y nosotros estabamos en nuestras vidas, por lo cual estaban solo ella y mi papà.

Se anotò en el curso de corte y costura, para mi fue impresionante el compromiso adquirido en este curso, lo displinada para hacer sus tareas, una vez llego a casa, uno de tantos fines de semana que como hija me gustaba estar con ellos, recuerdo que estaba aprendiendo a marcar patrones de piezas que luego pasarìa a las telas, ella sentada en un espacio del corredor en el piso porque decìa que allì le daba mejor estirar el papel y en la mesa no le daba para colocar allì y marcar.

In front of the house where we lived they built a school for women's specialties, these schools were designed to educate women in sewing, cooking, floristry, and hairdressing. My mother was already close to 60 years old and we were in our lives, so it was just her and my dad.

She enrolled in the course of cutting and sewing, for me it was impressive the commitment acquired in this course, she displaced him to do her homework, once she came home, one of many weekends that as a daughter I liked to be with them, I remember that she was learning to mark patterns of pieces that later she would pass to the fabrics, she sat in a space of the corridor on the floor because she said that there she could stretch the paper better and on the table she could not place there and mark.


Me hacìa recordar cuando nosotros hacìamos las tareas y siempre buscabamos como acomodarnos para estar còmodos a la hora de realizar las tareas.

Verla allì muy concentrada con sus reglas, làpices de colores, recuerdo que era bicolor azul/rojo, para marcar lo que iba a ser ruedo, cisa, cuello y esas cosas para tener el patròn y llevarlo a la tela.

Luego mirarla en la màquina de coser para llevar su patròn ya cortado en la tela para crear su pieza. Luego, feliz cuando ya habìa terminado su creaciòn. Se destacò mucho en su escuela, luego pasò a la parte de cocina aprendiò mucho, los panes de jamòn que hacìa exquisitos, por ùltimo pasò al curso de floristerìa. Esa fue mu madre en una de sus tantas facetas.

It reminded me of when we used to do our homework and we were always trying to find a comfortable place to do our homework.

Seeing her there very concentrated with her rulers, colored pencils, I remember it was blue/red bicolor, to mark what was going to be the hem, hem, neck and those things to have the pattern and take it to the fabric.

Then look at it on the sewing machine to take her pattern already cut on the fabric to create her piece. Then, happy when she had finished her creation. She excelled in her school, then she moved on to the cooking part, she learned a lot, the ham breads she made were exquisite, and finally she moved on to the florist's course. She was my mother in one of her many facets.

Imagen de portada editada en Canva con sus recursos gratuìtos. Fotografìa propiedad de la autora, enero 2025
Fotografìas propiedad de la autora, tomadas de su galerìa personal de diferentes fechas antes del año 2024.
Contenido original propiedad de la autora
Divisores Fuente

Cover image edited in Canva with its free resources. Photo property of the author, january 2025.
Photographs property of the author, taken from her personal gallery from different dates before 2024.
Original content property of the author
Dividers Source
Translator DeepL



Hello dear friend @mercmarg how are you?
Your mother has been very enterprising, I love people with a lot of energy and curiosity
What beautiful memories you have of your mother, thank you for sharing with us
Have a wonderful day

Thank you, if you later took advantage of what you learned in your school...excellent memory.