Memoir Monday #41 (12/16-12/22) - What is your biggest weakness?[Eng/Esp]

in Qurator3 months ago


Greetings #Qurator community

If you want to participate, here is the information

The question of the week is What is your greatest weakness?

This can add up to not just one but several, which in the course of recognizing them, putting them in front of us allows us to heal them and let them strengthen ourselves, to move forward.

I don't know if it is a weakness or a way of showing myself to the world...I found myself controlling and capable of solving everything that comes my way, even if I don't have to solve something.

Being controlling is a strong weakness that if we do not realize, as it happened to me, if things do not happen as we want, internal conflicts arise that bring other imbalances in our system of emotions, then, then bring certain demonstrations in our thoughts that can become anxiety.

As I discovered, through a long internal process, this is not done from one day to another, theories to understand that everything that is outside of us is not to control, what we can control is what is inside of us.

For example, the political system, it is not in my hands to control it. The public services, it is not in my hands to control so that they function correctly for what they have been created for.

The financial system is another one that is there and very strong, because it leads to the family economy, it influences a lot because there are fears of running out of money, of not being able to cover the essentials and of course it translates into thoughts that can get us out of control, filling us with black futures.


This financial part, I can only control my own, what I can do with what comes to my accounts, how I can use it, how I can yield it, if it is necessary to invest it or find other sources of income.

To come to this knowledge to stop being a controller is an art and self-knowledge.

Another way that somehow I discovered was to do this or that to those who are close to me, which also should not be because each person has their feelings, their way of seeing things, how to lead their lives and sometimes we believe that we have everything to control.

With respect to resolving, it is a hard task because sometimes we can not wait for the rhythm of those around us to do the tasks they should do ... just like being a controller can not be achieved from one day to another ... it is a process, work on it.

That is why I consider it a weakness because not realizing it, the damage to health is enormous, especially on an emotional level.

So much for this week's reflection. I consider that I am in the process.

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Saludos comunidad #Qurator

Si quieres participar, aquì la informaciòn

La pregunta de la semana es ¿Cuàl es tù mayor debilidad?

A esto puede sumarse no solo una sino varias, que en el transcurso de ir reconocièndola ponerla frente a nosotros nos permite sanarlas y dejarlas ir...fortalecernos, seguir adelante.

No sè si es debilidad o es una forma de mostrarme al descubrì controladora y capaz de resolver todo lo que se presenta asì no me corresponda esa resoluciòn de algo.

Ser controladora es una debilidad fuerte que si no nos damos cuenta como me pasaba , si las cosas no se dan como queremos surgen conflictos internos que traen otros desequilibrios en nuestro sistema de emociones, luego , luego traen ciertas demostraciones en nuestros pensamientos que pueden llegar a convertirse en ansiedad.

Còmo me descubrì, por medio de un proceso interno de mucho tiempo, esto no se hace de un dìa para otro, teorìas para luego entender que todo lo que està fuera de nosotros no està para controlar, lo que si podemos controlar es lo que hay dentro de nosotros.

Por ejemplo, el sistema polìtico, no està en mis manos controlarlo. Los servicios pùblicos, no està en mis manos controlar de manera que funcionen correctamente para lo que se han creado.


El sistema financiero otro que està allì y bien fuerte, porque lleva a la econonomìa familiar , influye mucho porque vienen los miedos de quedarse sin dinero, de poder cubrir lo esencial y por supuesto se traduce en pensamientos que nos pueden descontrolar llenàndomos de futuros negros.

Esta parte financiera, solo puedo controlar la mìa, que puedo hacer con lo que me llega a mis cuentas, como puedo utilizarlo, como puedo rendirlo, si es necesario invertirlo o encontrar otras fuentes de ingresos.

Llegar a este conocimiento de dejar de ser controladora es un arte y autoconocimiento.

Otra forma que de alguna manera me descubrì fue el haz esto o aquello a quienes estàn cerca de mi, cosa que tampoco debe ser porque cada persona tiene su sentir, su forma de ver las cosas, de como llevar su vida y a veces nos creemos que tenemos todo para controlar.

Con respecto a lo de resolver, es una tarea dura porque a veces no podemos esperar el ritmo de quienes nos rodean para que hagan las tareas que deben hacer...igual que lo de ser controladora no se puede lograr de un dìa para un proceso, trabajar en ello.

Por eso lo considero una debilidad porque al no darse cuenta de ello los estragos en la salud son enormes, sobre todo a nivel emocional.

Hasta aquì esta reflexiòn de la semana. Considero que estoy en el proceso.

Contenido Original propiedad de la autora
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Memoir Monday es una forma de dejar escrito para futuras generaciones como lo describe @ericvancewalton , al mismo tiempo es un momento de terapia para hacer de un recuerdo un escrito, reconocernos y por supuesto mejorar en nuestro actuar de cada dìa, eso es progreso...
Memoir Monday is a way to leave written for future generations as described by @ericvancewalton , at the same time it is a moment of therapy to make a memory a writing, to recognize ourselves and of course to improve our daily actions, that is progress...

I'm glad you discovered this weakness by doing an internal process.Good morning dear friend @mercmarg how are you?

I think I have a certain inclination to be controlling, and as you say, if things don't go as we wish, they bring internal conflicts that can severely harm us.

I appreciate that you have shared these reflections with us.

Have a great day.

Thank you for reading my deliveries
So many things that we let pass us by because we don't look inside and how much it affects us.Hello @jlufer

Much peace to you in these days.