Spending a sunny warm May Day walking alongside the sea, sun hitting my face and the salty sea air filling my nose was exactly what I needed on this day a few years ago. The day started off the way any perfect day should, with a good cappuccino and chocolate!

I decided to try out the Wonka Bar, hoping it would be the greatest tasting goodness I had ever had (As all the movies so suggest!) It didn’t quite live up to the hype but was a sweet treat nonetheless.

I would not turn it down if someone offered it to me in the future but is not the first one I reach for when chocolate is what I crave.

With my caffeine and sugar filled self, my mom and myself continued with the seaside walk, spending some much needed time together. Along the way we stumbled upon this delightful painted ladybird on a rock, also enjoying the view of the waves, a small, nearly insignificant object brought some joy to us both hence to picture that had to be taken.

Carrying on with our stroll we came upon something that many may have missed but genuinely touched my heart, even pulling on a few of my heart strings. I was a simply wooden bench with a quote on the backrest. The quote from none other than Winnie the Pooh. I have always loved Winnie the Pooh, with his gentle wisdom and endearing simplicity, so I couldn't resist pausing to read the words:
Even if we're apart, I'll always be with you.
In that moment, a combination of emotions flooded my heart. That simple quote from a beloved fictional character resonated with my heart right then and made me immediately think about my dad, who had passed away only a few months earlier. It was like a movie, like the bench and the quote had been planted there for me to find, like it was waiting for me.
My mom and I sat together on the bench, watching the waves roll in and out while sharing fond memories about my beloved dad, laughing and crying together. He taught me the value of family, hard work and true love. It was a goodbye that I am still struggling with.
My dad’s influence continues to shape who I am to this day, and his memory is a constant companion, providing comfort and guidance.

Spending time on that bench I found myself going through many emotions, sadness for the loss of my incredible father, gratitude for all the memories and joy for the moments we shared. Having my mom to lean on helped as we grieved together and separately. When we stood to carry on our day, I felt a bit lighter, knowing that my dads love will forever be with me.

To anyone else walking their own path of grief, may you find your own moments of unexpected solace and the courage to cherish the memories that make saying goodbye so very hard. Give yourself the grace to feel every emotion and know that you are not alone!
I am going to leave you with another of my favourite Winnie the Pooh quotes:
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
All photographs are copyrighted to the author
Photography instagram:
Nice photos, nice moments, nice family and nice place ☺️
Thank you so much! 😌