I think that many people have had temper issues at some point in their life, but they way that they handle it varies.
I remember a friend who always broke things whenever he got angry. Definitely not a good way to handle anger.
One of the ways to handle anger is by taking deep breaths. When someone/something annoys you, take a deep breath and walk away. It's better that way.
Gracias por el consejo @wongi. ..si intento manejar mí temperamento haciendo cosas que me produzcan paz. ..Anteriormente me tranquilizaba al salir a un centro comercial y comprar cosas que me gustan, hoy en día no lo puedo hacer sin embargo intento comer chocolate y eso me tranquiliza.
Comer chocolate o cualquier cosa que te guste es una forma de aliviar tu temperamento. Me alegro de que hayas encontrado algo que te funcione bien.
Que tengas un día espléndido.