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RE: Intentional Living : Unspoken Expectations Lead to Disappointment

Based on your conclusions, conformism is not good, you must always fight, move forward to achieve your goals. What is happening in the present helps us to learn not only from achievement, but also from errors and mistakes; they maintain a teaching that offers the expectation of continuing to walk towards the promising future. Respecting the limits would not be the most appropriate thing, preferring to say and do that I am going to overcome these limits, eliminate them from my life and for this we must work to improve every day.
I congratulate you on your article. Thanks for sharing!Hello @hollowins

Basándome en sus conclusiones, no es bueno el conformismo, siempre se debe luchar, avanzar para lograr las metas. Lo que va aconteciendo en el presente nos sirve para aprender no sólo del logro, sino también de los errores y desaciertos; ellos mantienen una enseñanza que ofrece la espectativa se continuar caminando al futuro promisorio. Respetar los límites no sería lo más propio, prefiero decir y hacer que voy a vencer dichos límites, eliminarlos de mi vida y para ello se debe trabajar en mejorar cada día.
Te felicito por tu artículo. Gracias por compartirlo!Hola @hollowins


Hi @wayuu-reg ,

First, I'm glad to see other perspectives and I appreciate that. As I mentioned above concept of expectations refers to the beliefs that we hold about the outcomes of events and are often based on other people or social contracts, while belief in ourselves, we're holding on to our hope. I hope that makes sense.
again Thankyou for your kind words 🤝