¿Qué cosas te hacen feliz? 😁 Eng-Esp).

"Cada día tenemos la oportunidad de ser felices. Y si sientes que te hace falta un poco de ella, solo mira a tu alrededor y verás lo afortunado que eres."
—Frase de mi autoría—

"Every day we have the opportunity to be happy. And if you feel like you're missing a little bit of it, just look around you and you'll see how lucky you are."
—Phrase of my authorship—

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¡Hola amigos! Feliz domingo 😃 Deseo que hoy sea un buen día de descanso para todos y en el que también podamos hacer de esas pequeñas cosas que nos dan felicidad.

En la vida vivimos cosas grandiosas y geniales que llenan nuestra mente de recuerdos felices. Esos momentos que no queremos que se acaben. Como cuando pasamos un día de diversión con la familia y los amigos, nos graduamos, conseguimos el trabajo de nuestros sueños, nos aumentaron el sueldo 😆 o sencillamente nos dieron la noticia de que por fin llegó aquello que tanto esperábamos.

Hello friends! Happy Sunday 😃 I wish today to be a good day of rest for everyone and where we can also do those little things that give us happiness.

In life we live great and great things that fill our minds with happy memories. Those moments that we don't want to end. Like when we spent a fun day with family and friends, graduated, got the job of our dreams, got a raise 😆 or simply got the news that we finally got what we were waiting for.

Pero la verdad es que también hay felicidad en las cosas más pequeñas que nos suceden y lo maravilloso de esto es que estas cositas nos pasan todos los días. Como poder dormir y despertar en un lugar seguro, poder respirar y movernos, hablar, aunque sea por teléfono, con nuestra mamá, tomar una rica taza de café, comer el dulce que más nos gusta, tener una familia que nos quiere y se preocupe por nosotros... En fin, hay tantos momentos de felicidad que si observamos con atención nos daremos cuenta de que están presentes cada día de nuestras vidas.

But the truth is that there is also happiness in the smallest things that happen to us and the wonderful thing about this is that these little things happen to us every day. Like being able to sleep and wake up in a safe place, to be able to breathe and move, to talk, even on the phone, with our mother, to have a nice cup of coffee, to eat the sweet that we like the most, to have a family that loves us and cares about us.... In short, there are so many moments of happiness that if we look carefully we will realize that they are present every day of our lives.

Por otra parte, la felicidad, al igual que las demás emociones, son transitorias, duran apenas un tiempo. Y si vemos un poco más allá que bueno que sea así, ¿No crees? Porque si no fuera así no podríamos experimentar las demás emociones que, aunque parezcan no ser muy agradables, son necesarias para nuestra supervivencia y vivencia. Nos indican que estamos vivos, que somos capaces de sentir y hacer sentir a otros y que tenemos un sistema nervioso central que está funcionando 🤓

On the other hand, happiness, like other emotions, is transitory, it only lasts for a short time. And if we look a little further, it's a good thing, don't you think? Because if it were not so, we would not be able to experience the other emotions that, although they may not seem to be very pleasant, are necessary for our survival and life. They indicate that we are alive, that we are capable of feeling and making others feel and that we have a central nervous system that is functioning 🤓

En mi caso hay varias actividades que hacen de mi día un día feliz.

🌸 Tener telitas para coserme cosas lindas. Esto está en mi top cinco de felicidad sí o sí. Poder ir a la tienda de telas, escoger alguna que me encante por su color y textura y luego poder comprarla, sin duda son de las cosas que me hacen súper mega feliz. Así que si mis amigos están leyendo esto, por fis ya saben qué regalarme.

In my case there are several activities that make my day a happy day.

🌸 Having fabrics to sew pretty things for myself. This is in my top five of happiness. Being able to go to the fabric store, choose a fabric that I love for its color and texture and then being able to buy it, without a doubt are the things that make me super mega happy. So if my friends are reading this, please know what to get me.

🌸 Hacer y conseguir patrones. Mi trabajo es de las varias cosas que más felicidad me dan. Así que cuando puedo patronar yo misma o comparar algún patrón, me vuelvo patrofeliz (palabra inventada por mí 😅).

🌸 Tomar café en las mañanas. No soy adicta al café, solo que lo que me levanta todas las mañanas son las ganas de tomar café 😝 Si mi día empieza así, sé que lo demás irá bien o por lo menos tendré la suficiente cafeína para enfrentar lo que venga.

🌸 Making and getting patterns. My job is one of the several things that give me the most happiness. So when I can pattern myself or compare patterns, I become patrofeliz (a word I made up 😅).

🌸 Drinking coffee in the mornings. I'm not addicted to coffee, it's just that what gets me up every morning is the urge to drink coffee 😝 If my day starts like that, I know the rest will go well or at least I will have enough caffeine to face whatever comes.

🌸 Escuchar música. Si pongo una buena salsa en el reproductor de mi teléfono o en la computadora, bórralo... Ya me perdieron en el país de la felicidad.

🌸 Descansar. Poder dormir (cuando el insomnio me deja) y descansar es uno de los remedios para ser feliz. En mi caso me ayuda a veces a tener la mente un poco más clara y encontrar mejores soluciones ante los desafíos. Aunque el desafío en sí es poder dormir.

🌸 Listening to music. If I put a good salsa on my phone player or computer, delete it.... They've already lost me in the land of bliss.

🌸 Rest. Being able to sleep (when insomnia lets me) and rest is one of the remedies to be happy. In my case it sometimes helps me to have a clearer mind and find better solutions to challenges. Although the challenge itself is to be able to sleep.

Comprender que la felicidad en sí es un camino y no una meta me ayuda a dedicarle tiempo a esas cositas que me hacen feliz. Así en vez de esperar que me sucedan grandes cosas, veo como me pasan cosas grandiosas todos los días.

Y en tu caso, ¿Qué cosas te hacen feliz? Te invito a expresarlo hoy esta hermosa comunidad aprovechando la iniciativa de los amigos de Inleo 💜

Understanding that happiness itself is a path and not a goal helps me to dedicate time to those little things that make me happy. So instead of waiting for great things to happen to me, I see how great things happen to me every day.

And in your case, what things make you happy? I invite you to express it today in this beautiful community taking advantage of the initiative of Inleo's friends 💜

Sin nombre.png


Banner created in Canvas // Banner creado en Canvas

Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Edited with the phone's editor. Main image created in Canva.

Splitter created by me in GIMP 💟

Texto de mi autoría. Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Realme 7. Editadas con el editor de mi teléfono. Imagen principal creada en Canva.
Divisor creado por mí en GIMP 💟

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Coffee and music are two awesome things that make me happy too!

I think we can always find things that can make us happy whenever we want.

Have a wonderful week and enjoy that coffee tomorrow morning!

Yees! they are wonderful 🤩 They are simple, but they are very good for us, especially on those days when we are not so happy. Thank you so much! I wish the same for you. Coffee and good toast 🤭 Eating also brings happiness 🤭

jeje thank you, I am having my first morning coffee now!

Haha... That had to be celebrated with another cup of coffee ☕

We don't actually need to have everything to be happy. Little things can bring happiness to someone.
I hope you get beautiful fabric from friends so you can be much happier.


That's right, my friend 🤗 Actually those little things that happen to us every day can bring us happiness. Aaww thank you! 😍 I hope so 🤭 Have a nice week 💟

It's true, we can be happy with the things we do every day. I feel your passion and positive energy about your patterns and fabrics :) And patrofeliz sounds like a fun word. I love to have learned this new vocab from you 😉

Yes 🤗 Like you, I really enjoy seeing my pet. I see her every day and I still get a kick out of the things she does. Sometimes they do things that show us that they understand us and want to tell us something 🤭 They are intelligent.
If that's a funny word 🤭 Really thanks for your comment. Happy start of the week to you 💟

Tal cual lo dices: "la felicidad es un camino"
Me encantaron las fotos, muy originales

Muchas gracias bella 🤗 Gracias por pasar y comentarme 💟