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RE: Intentional Living : Unspoken Expectations Lead to Disappointment

The scriptures say that "postponed expectation makes the soul sick", so waiting for something that doesn't happen or doesn't happen as we wish is a disappointment. But on the other hand, hope helps us move forward with optimism. In addition, what you say about this 2022 is very true, but also what we have experienced throughout the pandemic showed how things can change overnight. So I think it is vital for our survival and not to die trying, to cultivate resilience, which will allow us in the face of setbacks or failures, to be able to get up and move on and not allow disappointment to be something that stop us, but that we change its face so that it is only a delay in the achievement of our objectives or helps us to change direction towards a better course.



Hi again @marbrym ,

hope helps us move forward with optimism

I agree with your statement. while holding hope there is no attachment to others except ourselves. when hope is a feeling of optimism or a desire something will happen (not we anticipate). On the other hand, the fulfillment of hope doesn't depend on others. Again, thank you for sharing your thought 🤝

Thank you for sharing such insightful thoughts 🙏

You're welcome 🤝