The real cost of war: Perpetual broken generations and families, my remembrance day

What's up silent freedom warriors!

Why are my panties in such a bunch to the point I'm going verbally nuclear on anything? well we all know this is a long list, but lets start to string more pieces together. The broken pieces of war, jars full of broken hearts. New age treats "the spiritual ancestral walk" or loosely talk about karma aka spiritual retribution on a very ill informed rosy perspective like the rest of the world but that's what the walk actually looks like if one is doing it right. There is some fucked up shit in the libraries of the past. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes back in time to try to understand why you ended up paying the price for their sins. You know there is a saying that girls have to live in the sin of their fathers. Like anything else, it can be interpreted many ways.

Sorry Drake, I'm not trying to put opinions in your mouth, these meme is just badass and you know you can't argue otherwise. Aren't you a Canadian for freedom with a voice? What happened to all them concerts for world peace writing songs of virtues. ya'll used to have? Archaic outdated values or what? Cmon, I thought virtue signaling was the showbiz department

How dare I speak profanities publicly online at various world dignitaries, religious organizations and alphabet agencies like it's the next Ricky Gervais competing for a Las Vegas Residency gig for a comedic roast series at a Hollywood award show! Don't worry, I'm just being funny and by now I also show up with some strange fucking logic armor that you probably can't really argue either. Frankly, I tried saying many things nicely. Nice goes no place where demons walk. Surrounded by so many darks truths and tough pills to quietly swallow so someone else don't have to. Like a turn the other cheek nuclear edition. If I had been Jesus, I probably would have taken the nails out of my hands and feet, throw em back at God, tell him his movie sucks, he should start writing better endings and float off into the sunset. Yeah, I'm that kind, I just know how to keep that genie semi bottled up but to what extent? Controversial AF yes but I know how to paint one hell of a picture can't I. Nah, I don't need to be out frolicking into the Rockies to do so either. Lets go a little ancestral.

En francais:

Quand J'etais petite fille, mon Pepere s'adornais avec son uniform militaire formel, tout fraichement presse par les professionel. Memere etait une experte autre jours mais pour la parade locale du Jour de Armistice avec tout ses medaille de valeur. Ce rituel etais reserver pour une journee seulement a chanque annee. Lui et les autre veteran de la petite ville un assemblement de fraternite d'etre fier de leur retour. Avec l'age, l'habit officiel a devenu trop petit donc remplace avec un du tailleur de la ville et de sa couleure prefere. Les medaille de hero brillait aussi fort. Pepere le hero, le hero qui a liberer l'Europe pour que moi et tout les autres petite fille a pas besoin de jamais voir ou avoir un experience de guerre. La derniere, celle qui va compte, celle qui va reveiller le monde au atrocite et le prix de ne pas agir en temp. Le reve de chaque petite fille, il a tout sacrifier pour mon droit a la paix. Le droit de la paix des etranger sur un continent etranger a 16 ans. Pour une raison ou un autre, il ne c'est jamais senti come un hero. Pourquoi Pepere?


When I was a little girl, my Pepere adorned himself with his formal military uniform, freshly pressed by professionals. Memere was great any other day but for the local Remembrance Day parade with his WW2 brotherhood. This ritual was reserved for one day only every year to celebrate their safe return. With age, the official uniform got too small and was replaced with a well tailored suite in his favorite color. His Hero medals shined just as brightly. Pepere the Hero! Pepere the Liberator! Liberated parts of Europe so myself and other little girls like me didn't have to ever see this or hear about war ever again. The last one. The one that counts. The one so atrocious and emotionally costly that it will wake up the world. The dream of every grand-daughter, sacrificed his soul and bet his life for my right to peace. The right to peace for other strangers he didn't know, on a foreign continent as a 16 year old young man.

How entitled am I eh! Yeah now that's how I felt as a 7 year old. Doesn't take long for society and reality to taint some of the purest innocence with their sadistic never ending war games very early on. Only I was too young to grasp something this deep. How dare I be so anti-sematic? Am I or are you just using that as a cheap escape to be abusive yourselves for that long and the rest of the world letting you getting away with it because we truly do feel bad for how you got treated unfairly? I didn't want to write the entire thing bilingual so lets carry on in English, easier for everyone. Just since I'm trying to honor French ancestral war pilgrimage and the why's. What went right? What went wrong?

A few years after the parade Grand-Daughter / Grand- Father getting suited up ritual. An up-close and personal with a local international Hero putting on his freshly polished medals on his freshly pressed suit... Prime example of national pride isn't it? Why did he bow his head in shame every time I called him that? Why does such a beautiful moment that should feel like a story book moment that many little girls like myself would be proud of feel so ugly? I was trying to genuinely compliment him in admiration...Why wasn't it received as such?

How do you explain that to a 7 year old that her calling her grampa a hero breaks his heart and give him internal complexes...aka triggered. Little was known about ptsd back then. Same can be said for the scars that era left on their minds and their hearts. Forever. The real sacrifice. Their souls. Their precious moments that they know should make them proud like it's a grand-daddy war Hallmark movie. What Grampa doesn't want that on remembrance day. Seriously, think about it. How do they display the glory of the war hero coming home to his family in movies, it always seems like a joyous moment doesn't it? Probably only in the movies. The reality is many come back wondering, did I do the right thing? Was it worth it? That's a complicated answer.

16 years old, that's an impressionable age. Too young for war, he lied about his age and they weren't picky enough to ask too many questions either. A mutual we won't ask and you won't have to tell. At that point and time of the war closer to the end, was faced with the Hitler Youth. An army the age of his little brother. His first kill. Well probably most of them. He walked along tank units with no personal protection like we have in the modern days. Walking next to rolling tanks constantly firring to the point he was almost fully deaf from there. Armed with a big gun ready to get barged on by a bunch of homicidal brainwashed kids endlessly coming out of everywhere while they just shot at one another. You didn't have time to think about it, shoot or be shot.

Are you a man? Can you picture yourself in that scenario at 16 in Canada? Do you have a son? How about him. While you blow out the candles on his sweet 16 themed birthday party. Instead of blowing out the candles, he's throwing back the surprised grenades launched at him by the enemy whom is also a child before they explode on him. 2 child soldiers fighting one another with GUNS to DEATH. Let that sink in. Just I dare you to truly picture and feel that one as best as you can. If that doesn't bring tears to your eyes...I don't know what does. He knew he signed up to fight Satan in the flesh as a hardcore Catholic but this was a really rude welcome to adulthood, yet just a teen, there really isn't any other way to interpret it. A sense of duty can quickly turn in a moment of dread. No room for self-doubt on the battle field.

That is correct Mr. N of Israel and all your bloodthirsty Rabbi oracles of high moral ground that support your dramatic entitled temper tantrum to rethink before this goes...well...nuclear . My Gramps sacrificed everything in more ways then one to rescue what was probably your parents...your uncles maybe...Perhaps other distant relatives you never met...Perhaps your friends parents. Doesn't matter ... The point is, my grampa along with many other grampas like him put their lives on the line for YOUR RIGHT TO EXIST. For the RIGHT FOR YOUR DIRECT ANCESTORS TO NOT GET BURNED IN A FUCKING FURNACE TO KEEP YOUR GRAND-PARENTS WARM BECAUSE OF THEIR CULTURE/ANCESTRY. The RIGHT TO PROCREATE AND PRODUCE A WORLD LEADER THAT WOULD DO THE EXACT SAME ATROCITIES UNTO ANOTHER OF ABRAHAMIC KIN IN RETURN.

Did you forget where you came from already? Forget your Ancestral suffrage and how traumatizing it was...all the scars it left on your people? It hasn't even been 100 years yet. Fuck at least they had a fucking shelter to sleep in and an end in sight and someone cared enough to identified them with a tattooed number. Not that it's right, just your victims aren't even getting anything besides bombs and displacement. Those in the back...I know you're all a little shy. You get it now?

Now anyone watching that video, A young girl the same age I was with my Getting a close-up view of a war hero putting dressing his medals for remembrance day parade. He knew. He had to to some of that himself. Destroy homes. Tear families. In the name of peace both sides thinking they are doing the right thing for their own reasons, realistic or not. On the other side of the coin...What about her? Dressed in her best clothes excited to go see her house still standing in a neighborhood of rubble. Proudly displaying her bedroom while schooling the western world between a missile hole and bullet hole in her wall. Wow...If that's not defiling innocence, I don't know what is. Her special happy remembrance day moment in 2024, her bullet and missile riddled bedroom is still standing! Truly something to be thankful for but. What's the real cost of war? Even if this conflict ended tomorrow. Will it restore her innocence? Will she ever be the same? That look on her face on the video. Tragic.

Men don't have emotions, at least not enough to break the silence or cycle. Any MOM's and Grandma's? This must tug at the heart strings, how can it not. Is it ok for such an angelic young face to be able to tell you about missile and bullet holes? She shouldn't even know what those things are or do at that age. If Mother Mary statues started crying a tear of blood for every innocent woman and child harmed for no reason, I wonder how many tears she would cry? Is there anything about that in your Patriarchal false prophet Scriptures? How does it work? Explain it slow to me...real slow. I'm just some dumb hysterical woman with a demon mouth and too much free speech and internet access. You know, the right of mine my Pepere fought for. The right to speak up when things are not right in the world. Like now.

How about you France, Britain and friends? Why so inactive on preventing an already catastrophe from escalading? Did you forget my family's sacrifice that still persist in intergenerational trauma? One from a brave 16 year old young man, even he forever understood just how foul and destructive war was, that it was no game, no glory. Doesn't matter what side you stand on or how long it's been.

Did your ancestors forget to leave you a family photo album displaying happy reunification photos standing in victory on top of the rubble mound that used to be their home? Well maybe it was the neighbor's home...hard to tell when it's all in a pile. We just claimed a pile like a bunch of happy 8 year old on a snow hill. I'm guessing not. Nothing happy about it either. So why no pressure to end wars everywhere for someone else being completely destroyed in the same fashion?? My grampa and others like him, gave it all, because it was the right thing to do. It wasn't even on our continent. Did they tell you...Well that's not our homes so whatevs I'm not asking you to go to war or protest in the streets, I'm asking you to make better efforts at ensuring peace in the world for EVERYONE. Preventing history from repeating itself. Where is your RESISTANCE against bloodshed and human rights these days? Old outdated values or what? Are we too progressive for that? Someone spoke for yours and now you are free. Free to use your words, spoken or written...just like me.

How about you Indigenous leaders and citizens of Canada...Are you doing enough? Didn't your Grampas risk it all too? Didn't a traditional Language save the day with better encoded messages that the enemy just could not crack. What? COMMUNICATIONS & COOPERATION saved the day on a mass scale? Aren't you survivors of genocide too? I thought every child mattered? I thought you had a voice? I thought you might remember the scars? I thought you would drum for peace and reconciliation...Is that just for Indigenous or everyone? Where are your messages and voices of peace and time to have a good world wide conflict resolution solution that stems from peace not war as it's a never ending cycle. I thought that was your department?

I might be a dirty white migrant that should swim across the Atlantic asap back to Europe after 400 years here but I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking on the behalf of little girls of the world that can't seem to deserve the right to have the right to not have to know what a missile hole thru her bedroom wall looks like and be thankful for it. I suppose with thanks giving around the corner, maybe she's just getting into the holiday spirit. I wonder if she can find some Canadian or us stamped bullet casings in he rubble of her neighbors house that she can make a fun crafty sun catcher trinket to decorate and help things along. Souvenirs.

You know, Israel and friends, when the bombs and bullets stop, the very reason you get to be here today in 2024 with claiming the right to be a bomb dropping asshole unhindered just like whom was once your ancestors worst nightmare...How are you any different?

Did My gramps go home and everything hunky-dory like nothing ever happened in some happy Hollywood movie war propaganda? No, real life doesn't happen in a theater. The theater is our dreams, desires...nightmares our scars all blended in a glittery shiny package, perhaps easy to digest reality. Whatever demented thing trying to speak or we're trying to mentally run from.

What really happened, My Gramps stayed for much longer to help clean up. These people had been thru enough, needed time to heal, re-collect and he was already there, his duty. To selflessly help others. Because it was the right thing to do. Let them take a deep breath. The first free ones in a while. Until the CANADIAN MILITARY were wondering around securing perimeters and got a little deeper into forested areas. Do I have to remind everyone? It seems so. The world seems to be blind to history repeating itself, the same ones that said that if they were the German ordinary people, they would have stood up for their neighbor's rights...Well? Would be a good time to do so? Nah? Link below has many triggering photos but seems like the world is forgetting what war really looks like.

Yes the infamous concentration camps. The never expected grimmest discovery ever made to human kind at the time. One that would shock the world. The vilest thing a human could see, human cruelty. I guess it just wasn't enough for the world to be able to recognize genocide and the moral obligation to stop it in it's tracks. What will it take then? Not yet old enough to legally drink in today's Canadian standards but had just discovered the most horrifying thing a human could ever see. Still a teen himself. Innocence already destroyed but wow, this left the biggest hole in his heart and mind that could never be fixed. A visual you can never erase, a sight one can never unsee. Only beginning to understand the true band of psychopaths they had just extinguished was really capable of, after they thought they had seen it all. Seen with his own teenage eyes. No... your gun can't even save you from that one.

How did I come to learn that perspective on genocide and horror as a young child? No he never freely talked about it, at least not with me. Something he was doing his best to take his secret horrors to his grave. I could tell his mind was often occupied with it. Sacrificed his innocence so we could keep ours. But I had to do a remembrance day war expose for school. We mildly argued about it when I tried to ask questions. Then I said Pepere, I know it hurts and you are right, I probably shouldn't have to know war stuff but it's for school. I can get it from someone that was there or form a government sponsored propaganda school book. I have to learn one way or another. Which version do you want me to tell?

Well he broke down, talk about grand father grand daughter fun times working on school projects. Don't worry, I got it. It was rough, I knew I didn't get it and probably never would. That means his self sacrifice meant something. It wasn't in vein. Maybe it helped him release many bottled up things. As a 4th grader, probably a little young but probably the only chance I would ever get. I was studying Anne Frank's diaries at the time, it was a whole history lesson type thing at school covering various child digestible aspect.

Not with Pepere! It was raw and I was thankful. I swallowed every word. Even the hard stuff. Some silly part of me calls that stuff as being spoon fed ancestral demon stew. Taste bad like medicine but perspective building of the real glories of a soldier. The amount of death one has to get used to, just another day at the office. He gave me a very vivid description. I could picture it in my head, I could almost feel the heartbreak and shock. Several decades later.

What was the vivid view from a teenage soldier walking in on a real bad surprise? When the turned to a clearing, hey saw a barb wire fence, they started walking towards it until they froze in terror right in their tracks. It was lined with what was probably hundreds of live corpses moaning as he described them...dead men walking. How were they even walking? So starved they decomposed alive. Skeletons with skin. They had been left there locked and forgotten to just die after the defeat of enemy troops. Many of them already were. Some in mountains of decaying bodies from before they left.

What are we even looking at? What do we do with them? Can they even survive the next hour? They weren't fully trouped, only a few all on securing perimeter making sure there was no bad enemy surprise. Well fuck eh. Rations were rare, not as rare as in the fox hole but not enough for a handful of soldiers to be able to feed all of them, they distributed what they had. Bu now what, a bunch of teens making decisions an adult probably would struggle to make on a situation no one can truly comprehend no matter how hard you try. What would you do with them? What is the right thing?

There was 3 options. Sad sight and all, they probably don't stand a chance, maybe it's a nazi ambush trap. We don't have enough numbers to help. Our orders are to secure perimeter. Do we defy orders and go back to command and get help? Do we just keep walking, their mercy will surly come soon? Is shooting them out of mercy better? Those poor people. Talk about tough choices. They chose to return to the command and report something real messed up, and more came. They decided to attempt to rescue them if possible. Whatever they could do. Hard to even tell what that could be. Neither side spoke the same language. How do you explain to them not to freak out and try to rush out in a stampede when they broke into the camp boundaries.

Despite the lack of being able to communicate what in the actual HELL this encampment was, certain things were clear, food, water, doctors and a lot of shovels and arm power to dig. The sad thing, despite help and resources being there, it was hard to help them. Doctors had to asses them. Being starved for so long of food and water, you can't just go nuts. It's very controlled. So even getting them fed was an ordeal and in timed measured increments. Also meaning they were weak and a long forest walk just was not going to work. The walk itself would have been the end. They actually had to live at Camp hitler for a while longer despite being freed. Just so that they are not deemed too fragile to rescue and perish at liberation. Just that thought alone is nightmarish.

When the young soldiers weren't busy standing guard to ensure safety of the camp and survivors or providing various tasks towards their care and recovery, they were on shovel duty. Digging graves. Trying to bury the perished in an as dignified way as possible given the circumstances. Less traumatizing to look at one dug hole at a time. OMG. How can the world forget so soon and just carry on the genocidal traditions. I'm not sure how long he stayed oversees on clean up and camp rescue efforts or digging graves, perhaps up to two years after the last bomb was dropped. Obviously after the Canadian discovery from hell, so many more were found after. Many soldiers got to eat lots of that visual nightmarish demon stew raw but it was the right thing to do. As you can see, even if bombs stopped dropping tomorrow, the recovery efforts will take much longer than it's destruction. You can build building backs but you can't really bring people back after they are gone.

We are now looking at almost 45 000 deaths in a year and going up daily. 100 000 permanently maimed. almost 20 000 children that no one really know if they are orphaned or separated. Several 1000's captured being tortured in jail. Are they all terrorists and criminals? Over a million displaced moving around the desert in tents to safe zones that get consistently bombed in the middle of the night out of a population of what 2 million? Children like the girl that was so happy her bedroom only had a missile and a few bullet holes. The most comforting thing she probably has seen in a year. No clean water or sanitation. As the weeks and months go by, dirty waste water and raw swage/rain run off accumulate in the crowded pathways between the tarp tents they have all been living in for a year. Winter just around the corner. How many of you in the western world would call social services and have children removed from families for a lot less. It's ok when someone we like bombs them tho.

Child welfare entities...where are your voices? I thought you advocated for the safety of children? Which ones again? World Health Organization, you would think after your poor handling of covid, you might wanna be more on the ball when it comes to public health and the increase of the increased pathogen risks. I mean, it's so dire that POLIO had to come back from the dead after months of blocked medicine in order for someone to actually care enough to enforce anything. Let that sink in. Do any of you want a POLIO revival? Man made with negligence and apathy? See, the problem is, morality duty seems to shift depending on who needs them. It's not a standardized anything.

What's the message? we had to wait until polio actually came back in circulation to make sure kids had important vaccines normally required soon after birth we know actually work and is necessary for public health and safety? Fuck, if it was a covid vaccine in 2021, they would have been air dropping them with the bombs up to booster #6. Go figure. Talk about really regressing to the dark ages on that one. So what was the logic in forcing everyone to have a vaccine in order to have a job or participate in society for 2 years or else you rebel dangerous one of society?

You can't even use your over reach of power abilities to prevent polio. Shameful truly. Anyone I dare you try to convince me otherwise. That's how you know the leaders are over paid and full of hot air and the logic is a little loosie goosy while they take advantage of all of society. They have to know don't they? Aren't you the smart ones? How can you peddle crocks of shit to the public with a strait face? There is no way every one is that unqualified for their positions. How deceitful. No wonder hardly anyone believe what ya'll have to say or try to enforce. How is that not abusive to society as a whole after decades of double, triple standards?

So concerned about peddling a global warming narrative because we want to drive to work and heat our homes, we must be villainized and shamed, maybe a well earned vacation here and there. We will ban plastic straws for the betterment of mankind because our country folk are just not smart enough to drink from a water box type thing. Asshat, your water box type thing requires a straw...ironically. While we are on banning shit...How about genocides? Can we ban that one? I don't think world leaders are capable of handling their own thirst for power and control.

What do you mean no? But how many carbon emissions does each of these produce? How about collectively after a year? 2 years? How about all those test nukes like it was 4th of july America? No impact on global warming right? Why aren't you peddling your messages of righteousness to your sinning friends? No me wanting to heat my house at -40 celcius, I should get taxed to the breaking point. Shame shame plebe...How dare you speak up against it. I'm gonna label you a terrorist and send CISIS at your doorstep for a decade. Your compadre killing over 40 000 innocent people? Lets send them more weapons! They have the right to defend themselves! After my gramps sacrificed himself for you to have the right to be an overpaid airhead to every Canadian for 8 years, I still don't have the right to defend myself with words, go on vacation peacefully without getting hunted with cyanide coffee or to go to work safely or even the right to live peacefully without excessive illegal surveillance.

While we are on the topic of global warming before we get too carried away with CSIS and their relevance because I don't want to live like a cave woman or in a tent. The forest fires that are fueled by negligence and forest mismanagement all over western Canada where we have to beg to have the right to use the waterbombers we pay for with our taxes... How many additional toxic carbon emissions does that contribute? Alright Kool-Aid government paid scientist...That's actually your chance to do honest work! I have faith in you, I know you can do it! If you were genuine about global warming, wouldn't you do something about that? Until then your a fraud narrative peddler and you know it. Air swish that. Maybe you can use that to counter balance the budget. The balancing themselves thing...Really bad.

Now the surveillance could have been courtesy of my mom or uncle too, maybe my aunt, a few potential hidden sources conspiring together. I Don't have the right to know about that tho. Who knows. No truth left in this world. All beautiful charming lies with a nice hair swish. MMM Swoon. Excuse me while I reach for my barf bag. Meanwhile in Canada, a few terrorist plots were foiled from middle eastern migrants on student visas that nobody bothered to vet with widely spread propaganda of executing people freely circulating online for quite some time.

The lamestream news found it after they heard the names and started the grilling. What's your excuses CSIS? I'm the terrorist because I dare share an honest common sense opinion on the sad state of affairs of our country and world. Make that make sense. My words are more harmful to you then actual terrorists with plots wanted by the US Department of Defense! They have rights under our charter of rights tho. They are migrants...not old stock Canadians, especially not them pesky women eww. That bitch shoulda worn a mouthguard eh popo extraordinaire...My bad, my dirty white migrant of 400 years ass that should just repent and jump into the Atlantic and make my way back to Europe. Wait a sec...Can CSIS follow me there? Well probably. I have an opinion.

I'm highly dangerous after all. Better send someone to deposit a poison pizza on my doorstep to take me out, I might keep having cynical opinions for as long as I sit here with no right for no reason or explanation. That's ok while your combing thru my blog like I'm a terrorist, well there you go I might as well have a little fun while I'm forced to be consistently abused unfairly in one form of another. Watcha gonna do now uh? Set up a sniper on a rooftop to take me out while I go personally investigate all the arsons in my neighborhood myself wondering WTF is happening? Please do I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE PUT US ALL OUT OF OUR MISERY.

Not a concern arsonist tho, they be ok...Free heat that isn't taxed I suppose. As an official security agencies, we only have time to chase around triggered terrorist smart mouth from hell. I'll make you wish you had Ricky Gervase roasting you. Seems like you are going to give me lots of time to sit on my ass and think of my next insults on your disrespect towards me. Funny how all these officials demand absolute respect at all times but incapable of delivering it. I have been asking various entities watching for answers for how long now? Even the free world is tired of my free voice. Fuck maybe the hive community is even willing to help you out , hack my address themselves, personally hand deliver it to you so you can come permanently shut me up just so we can all move the fuck on. Sooo many people's wet dream of a lifetime isn't it. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT CSIS I BELEIVE IN YOU! COME GET ME RIGHT IN THE MOTHERFUCKING TERRORIST MOUTH!

Oh wait all you mental illness expert wondering just how fucking crazy is this bitch? Maybe not in those words but in 2024's respect towards women standards in workplaces and officials in leadership or other trusted place where only integrity should be served. Yeah all you shrinks, I know you are there too. I'm crazy not dumb...Thank you very much. My words for you? YOUR MEDICAL LICENCES SHOULD BET RIPPED UP AND SET ON FIRE, YOU ARE A DANGER TO THE PUBLIC WITH YOUR OVERSIZED DEGREE AND EGO. Why so crass you wonder? What do you know about High functioning Autism with abuse ptsd and stress/sensory triggers and a sensitive heart because of one or more cyanide or other drug poisoning but you already knew that, there was already a whole file on that, probably quite a few good propaganda reads on that.

How can you even sleep at night? NO SERIOUSLY, THIS QUESTION ISN'T EVEN A BAD JOKE GREVAISE STYLE. I thought your kinda was peddling all that mental health stuff these days? Turns out it just sounds cool...No one actually cares just a nice salary with a fluff message. I already knew that just determined to prove it until every one is blue in the face. I'm already completely wrecked but your professional fuckery ends here start actually speaking on the mental health affects all these wars have on people. Not even honest enough to do that.


Because being nice about it clearly is a waste of fucking time and Asmodeus smart mouth here is starting to have way too much fun with this being a bully stuff, everyone one else can do it why not. At least I'm not dropping actual bombs everywhere. All my life did my best to do the right thing despite being completely fucking violated in every which way for no reason. Taking it in the a good little girl. Look where it got me, consistently labeled as a bully just cause they didn't like that a woman exist near them. Prove me wrong work fuckers. I'm still waiting for that request to speak to an employment lawyer employed by my union that claims to fight for my right to fairness in the work place.

One that my monthly dues pay for and should be accessible when the safety of women and harassment policies isn't being enforced. We all know you can...The secretaries at the front desk have the right. Why not me? lawyer LMFAO. I can never afford something like that to get me some human rights, I can't even afford the right to have a safe job yet. The ones I wasn't born with enough money to afford despite my grampa fighting for this country selling his soul with bloodshed and weapons. How about you almighty boilermakers, oil producers of Alberta of so much integrity? How many of your lame ass ancestors did he save from being turned into furnace fuel for the demented on crystal meth? (OH I'm gonna abstain from saying my real thoughts here)

How can you deliver a what appears to everyone else an honest Remembrance day message every november 11 with a hypocritical strait face wearing your pretty poppy yet treat your liberators descendants like a fucking trash can because I wasn't born with a dick and balls big enough to deserve your respect enough to deserve a safe job opportunity to provide for myself in an honest way. I don't deserve to have my personal information kept secure and private. Nah sold on the back market for murder hunts in the rockies, boxing, at work, wherever one see fit.

I should go do nails, go suck dick or something if I don't like it. That's actually the nicest thing any one of you has ever said to me anyway. Everything else is too derogatory for me to put it here. Yup, even my potty mouth has a couple boundaries on how it's appropriate to speak of others. I know, hard to tell these days from these posts. Judges popo and mental health hot air frauds too. I wish I had a time machine to where he was alive and you could invite him on stage to shake a hero's hand after you deliver the biggest hypocritical speech of all time on this special yearly ritual celebration...With that same strait face. All of the do nothings sitting here laughing while you torment me and deny me the right to report unsafe things with the proper entities and have a logical action to mitigate. because it will get your patriarchal circle jerk in trouble. All you professional leaders. All I ever get is our hands are tied or We'll look into it. No wonder I'm crazy.

I finally understand his apathy and lack of emotions, communications or anything of warmth. It probably wasn't fully me. I now recognize that look in myself. He drank his vodka in his chair. Quiet. Not a bad guy just I dunno. We see things too differently and I never wanted to go full demon mouth on him. He did pay his due, at least tried, his soul bore the scar. Why I now bear the ones of actually never having been safe or protected by anyone. Not even him. I'm not free of my ancestral demons I ay not have gone to war but clearly things are really not ok. The one he went to war to protect. The one he sold his soul for. Sounded like a righteous cause for a 16 year old young man. Was he having regrets? Seen and done things he can never forget. Because this was going to be the last war. No more war torn traumatized little girls. We are walking tank side to liberate oppression for the last time. This is the one where humanity learns. What a charming fairy tale isn't it.

Reality sinks in. It was just another lie. Another con. The great delusion they pull on us war after war. He lived to be in his 90's to watch so many more wars, genocide, unjust man made death. The world never got better. Just worse and worse. He didn't even know how I have been treated because of a lack of healthy adults. Not necessarily of their own fault. Just like me forced in realizing it doesn't matter what you chose. They are all wrong choices. It was never designed for any one to have peace. EVER. Just like it was clear to him, it's clear to me. I just use my voice to say how I feel. Because obviously, taking it in the chin and doing the right doesn't work. Committing violence for the sake of peace, the greatest delusion ever peddled.

Everyone that has done me wrong for no reason. Denied me proper help and dismissed me because it was too much work, inconvenient, would require disciplining a friend. All the official professional monitoring me for unknow to everyone but me reasons that I don't deserve to know or have peace of mind on. Every one that thinks I should shut the fuck up or deserve to get murdered and brag about getting away with it. All you good self proclaimed men out there that think are respectable that sat and did nothing and still do, Yes go ahead and shallowly make your remembrance day hypocritical speech about being grateful for my ancestors service and liberation that gave you your right to exist so you can trash and defile and humiliate, destroy their grand daughters in every way possible in about a month or so. Go say that like real men now. Don't worry I wont be there. I'm not man enough to deserve to be present safely at such an event or any for that matter. IT's ok I don't support war at all anywhere. If you plan on making your hypocrite speech in a month, think of Gaza. Le jour Armistice, the day of peace. Not for everyone. Just depends if you are rich and Israelite or connected enough for us to recognize you as a human in Canada. Women need not apply.

Human rights courts, labor laws? What do you do again? Lucky you, I don't currently have the energy to care anymore. Why keep looking truth in a world more dishonest then I could ever imagine in my worse nightmare. This planet isn't a place for the good. My god trial, he asked...what's your verdict. I'm Sorry Father. I tried so hard to see good in the world. I looked under every rock. I'm sorry I failed you. There will never be peace in the world. We can't even get it on the one day we all vow to remember the true cost of war and why we really should put this archaic concept to bed long term on the day we honor our ancestor's sacrifice in the name of peace. No seriously...What am I missing. I would really like to participate remembrance day like a normal fucking person with basic human rights. Betcha those people in Gaza might like that too. One day to have to time to cry at what they have been reduced to on this 2024 remembrance day. A day where we honor sacrifice for peace.

That's how I know this world is filled with a bunch of hypocrites. We can't even get one day of peace on the day where we are all programmed to remember it like robots. Just another good photo op and tv show meanwhile creating the next traumatized generation with our silence and apathy, no age is too young to be indentured. My remembrance day perpetual haunting memory is 7 year old little girl me smiling at my Pepere at how handsome he looks all decorated with his Hero medals, there are soooo many of them...Rows after rows. A decorated man hang his head in pain and shame. The same one where you are going to bow your head in a moment of silence out of respect after your nonsense honor speech. I'm good at delivering powerful words...can I help? I know my relatives are gonna wanna hang me personally with the rest of you using my grampa and some of the language in the same. I know it's not that bad that one small specific details but I feel a little robbed of a healthy family dynamic or memories. Some one asked me what was my best family memory?

Sorry. They were all either turning a blind eye, neglectful and abusive or just unseen and forgotten by my own kin. The very same that started creating this self fulfilling nightmare the day I was born. Born free with human rights in Canada. Why don't I feel that way despite 40 years of my best effort trying? No wonder I'm depressed. My Grampa's son aka step dad, the last conversation I had with him, he said. You were so just took care of yourself. Gave me some free time to hang out with my buddies and drink after work. Yes then he would come home and grab 7 year old me by the throat and slam me against the wall punching holes in the walls next to my face. Everyone too apathetic to even say...Hey man...A grown man taking his aggression out on a 7 year old girl.

I could never talk to him again or anyone else in my family. That was harsh to hear. What do you mean I take care of myself? I've been forced to provide everything for myself and dictated to be thankful for the opportunity. Somehow everyone that ever saw was always ok with it. Why do I say this? You can take the soldier out of the war but you can never take back the war out of the soldier and anyone born after. Daughters pay for the sins of their forefathers. Violence for violence. An eye for an eye. Daughter for Daughter. Son for Son. Until enough people say that's enough. No more violence. Not with bombs and guns, but words and common sense. When will humans get it? Never. Not even for one day on remembrance day. Now if that's not a world with no truth left, I don't know what is.

Alright, have fun writing you Remembrance day speeches. To be clear, this isn't a stab at soldiers or the actual real meaning of REMEMBERANCE DAY and it should be respected highly. Just now everyone seem to treat it like it Halloween these days, nothing more than a flowery display full of hot air they will never truly mean or truly honor.

The day where we were suppose to honor Peace and the values our ancestors fought for but apathy made us forget. Ppl bet for sport these days, here's one. A pool, will Israel thank her liberators in a news op in the morning while turning around and dropping bombs oppressing another in the same inhumane way an hour later? Will he respect the foreign ancestors that sold their souls thinking this was going to be the one where we all get to understand the importance of peace for everyone, to give him the right to choose to oppress another culture in it's own land on remembrance day? And if so , will the world just keep watching silently with no real action to resolve conflict?

That's why I feel entitled to launch nuclear truth bombs. My ancestor gave all for the right of a self proclaimed man of faith and respected leader's right to live and going to show his gratitude by dropping bombs on others. WW2 WAS SUPPOSE TO BE THE LAST ONE. OUT OF ALL PEOPLE YOUR PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THE COST PERSONALLY. Your people were there. That's what makes this so much worse. Your actions of this coming november 11 annual remembrance day offends me in advance. I'm that cynical about society that I already know the most vile thing will go on. There is evidence to think otherwise.

My grampa fought for his descendants to not have to experience this...How about yours? Are you a soldier or veteran? I'm no expert...Just trying to understand where it all went wrong. Maybe you can answer of when is the last one? How many years of peace has the world seen since the end of WW2? What are we celebrating again? I'll take what Biden's having. I don't want to have to live consciously in this insanity anymore. No wonder so many people are fucked on an ever expanding drug problem across the world. Even the people not at war don't have the right to peace. The experts: We have no idea how to fix abusive problem X,Y and Z in perpetuity. Seriously. How do you all still have jobs. Can we try a new batch of do nothings now? Maybe those ones will be able to speak truth someplace. Wait...bahaha never mind. Just me delusional self kicking in again. Look at the bullshit we get peddled and we're all suppose to shut our mouth and eat it if we want the illusion of human rights. No, it's clear nobody in a position of authority actually wants change or we would have it. Just the plain truth. everyone else will believe al of ya'll little performances. Doesn't matter what I think anyway.

Just some Nobody in bum fuck nowhere that doesn't deserve basic human rights or an explanation why. By trusted leaders of society. The same ones that keep us at the bottom, too busy scrambling like rats from one disaster to the next so we don't have time to notice their treachery and toxic corrupt systems we are all shackled to without our consent or a healthy way out. To be clear, I'm not calling for harm on anyone or dismantle the government. Just an honest system with integrity filled with people that hold themselves and others accountable. In other words some fucking adults in the proverbial world room. There is never going to be safety for me, I get that. I'm not stupid. Maybe you can start cleaning shit up, perhaps so the next generation isn't more fucked than we are? The sun potential blowing slag chunks at us in one fell swoop sounds kinda nice after all. The sun having mercy on humans from alienating ourselves with nuclear weaponry in a slow dragged out insanity because we are that fucking slow. Perhaps the sun heard of potential nuking and wanted to join in the fun. Well if humans can do it to themselves...Why the fuck can't I?

Wow Sun, I can't even argue that logic.


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