Satisfaction in God Alone..

Hello,emotions and feelings family.In addition to our theme of the month, I come up with this little piece,”Satisfaction in God Alone”.

Finding happiness is different from finding Satisfaction.I’ve tried many ways to achieve satisfaction, yet there was nothing worthwhile in any of the avenues I remained just as unfulfilled as before.Moving from one strategy to the next in pursuit of satisfaction, but still nowhere under the sun is there any remote avenue of satisfaction.

However, satisfaction can mean different things to different people, as it can be subjective and dependent on individual values and beliefs. In general satisfaction can be said to come from within ourselves rather than from external sources such as material possession, achievements, or validation from others. Satisfaction can be found in ways such as personal growth and self improvement, meaningful relationships, helping others, mindfulness and gratitude, pursuing passion etc,ultimately, true satisfaction is a personal and subjective experience and it may take time and effort to discover what brings it about for each individual.

Furthermore, the truth is we were all designed for perfection to be truly satisfied, and this is why so many of us long for it.if we look at the Bible in the very beginning, God created a perfect world for us to inhabit.In Genesis, He designed for us to live by complete satisfaction. It was beautiful, and satisfying in every way. No sadness, emptiness, or confusion.

In conclusion, true and lasting satisfaction can only be found through a connection with God, for true satisfaction is not found in material possessions or achievements, but rather in a sense of inner peace and contentment that comes from being aligned with one’s spiritual purpose. This can involve practicing prayer,meditation, or other forms of spiritual discipline, as well as living a life of compassion, kindness and service to others.Thanks for all your support, comments etc.
