What is a relationship supposed to be?

What is a relationship?


While typing this question, I also don't know how to answer it. I don't know what a relationship is. there are so many questions in my mind right now, so many whats and whys.

What is a relationship supposed to be? Maybe in some people, it is supposed to be magical that a relationship always ends in a happy ever after.


If you’re in love with a relationship, you may find you want all the world to know about it. You may connect more deeply with poetry, all the weight that song lyrics may have becomes more apparent, and many of the things in your life can seem more positive.


On the other hand, it's toxic; it makes people crazy and drown in the relationship that they thought magical.

But what about mine? What relationship is supposed to be for me?


When I was a child, I thought that a relationship was like a fairytale. It always ended ever after, but when I turned into an adolescent, I saw a lot of relationships that came to a magical start and suddenly turned into a toxic ending.


I have been in a relationship for 11 years now; I thought all the sacrifices and love that I put into the relationship were enough to make him change.

The family that we built together is enough to strive harder to make a better living, to make him happy enough because he has the family that loves him the most.

Every relationship has differences. Relationships aren't the same; for others, it's a fairytale, but for me, it's a miserable pit from which there is no way out.


Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I don't know what I'm gonna do; I still love the person; yes, I do but it somehow hurts me because the love I put pays me into pain.

I won't regret this kind of love I give because I had 2 beautiful kids who made me stay and hold that someday we will be happy again, just like we planned.


I will do everything just to make the relationship work and stay, but how could I do that if the other half won't let his hand hold still?

I felt sorry for myself because I let him hurt me, I felt sorry for myself because I didn't protect myself, I felt sorry for myself because I didn't make myself a better person, I felt sorry for myself because I wasn't enough reason for him to change.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."- Sam Keen

And that makes sense to me that relationship is building each other into a better person, not ruining each other.

Little did I know I wasn't myself now; I was stressing myself over things I didn't have control over, putting myself in pain that I didn't deserve.

Should I let him go or Should I hold still?

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog; feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below; thank you and have a blessed day 🌻💛.


Sending hugs!
I won't say yes or no but rather it's for you to decide. Love sometimes really hurts.

Well many relationships now starts magically and ended at Tulfo

Haha 😆 sana hindi kami humantong sa tulfo anyway thank you for the hugs 🤗🌻.

You're the only person Ma'am @helianthus-chloe who can decide if you will hold on or just let him go. But you need to forgive the person who hurt you because if you don't forgive, the heartache will keep coming back. I wish everything will be okay Ma'am. Take care and your two lovely children 😊

I've decided to forgive that person, even though it hurts me. I believe in giving second chances, as others say there's always room for forgiveness and growth. 💛

A relationship is such a personal and ever-evolving journey, and it can be hard to define what it is “supposed” to be. I think relationships are about connection, growth, and mutual support. It can feel magical when two people understand each other!! deeply, and there is this sense of unity and care that uplifts both partners. But it is also true that relationships can be incredibly difficult and sometimes toxic, as you said. It is not always easy to move on!!

Hey @silviared945, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on relationships. I totally agree with you that understanding each other is crucial. 🌻💛

yes I really liked what you wrote

The definition of a relationship varies from one person to another. What one person might consider a healthy and fulfilling connection, another may not. Here's my take on the definition of a relationship;

A relationship isn't solely about love, cuddles, and hugs. It's not just about holding hands or exchanging soft kisses. It goes beyond that. A relationship involves love, trust, time, and sacrifices. It's a commitment deeper than a pinky promise to be with them always and forever.

Always and forever.

Hey, thanks a lot for your kind words. Your perspective on relationships really resonates with me.

Every person have their own way to live a relationship and i think this way change with the age. On the other hand You are rigth too, a relationship is built step by step and day by day.

"Hey @jrobe, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on relationships! Wishing you a happy and healthy relationship 💛🤗."

There were things we viewed differently before, but once we experienced them, our perspective changed. Like in relationships, I used to think it was all butterflies and happiness. However, when I experienced it, I realized it’s not just about the happy moments—there were also pain and sacrifices.

Laban lang! It may take a while before you process your emotion and make a decision. Just take your time.

Thanks for your kind words 💛 Let's keep pushing through, maybe it's just a little bump in our relationship 💛. I really appreciate your insights and for reading my blog 🌻💛