Basta de traiciones/No more betrayals

in Emotions & Feelingsyesterday (edited)

En estos tiempos es muy difícil encontrar personas fieles, porque para empezar, la gente realmente no sabe lo que es fidelidad y otros creen que para ser fiel es hacer lo que ellos quieran en secreto mientras no les descubran. Son fieles; será que no tienen conciencia.

In these times it is very difficult to find faithful people, because to begin with, people don't really know what faithfulness is and others believe that to be faithful is to do whatever they want in secret as long as they are not discovered. They are faithful; it will be that they have no conscience.

Tener pareja es muy bonito Tener a alguien que te apoye y te acompañe en esta vida es algo que la mayoría de la gente desea.Vivir en pareja es muy complicado, todo es compartido.Mantener el amor y alimentarlo requiere trabajo, no es una sustancia que esté en reservas ilimitadas dentro de una persona por eso si lo descuidamos en la rutina, en el trabajo, en lo que haces en casa, el amor por nuestra pareja puede apagarse.Si el amor fuera realmente para siempre, simplemente no habría divorcios ni separaciones.A pesar de ello, muchos años pensamos que es un esfuerzo que merece la pena.

Having a partner is very nice Having someone to support you and accompany you in this life is something that most people want.Living as a couple is very complicated, everything is shared.Maintaining love and nourishing it requires work, it is not a substance that is in unlimited reserves inside a person that is why if we neglect it in the routine, at work, in what you do at home, the love for our partner can be extinguished If love were really forever, there would simply be no divorces or separations Despite this, many years we think that it is a worthwhile effort.

Es por eso que en mi humilde opinión si quieres casarte o vivir con alguien lo mejor es no tener ningún tipo de secreto y ni siquiera en esos de los móviles, porque si tu pareja quiere ver tu móvil pues te molestaría, porque lo romperías contra el suelo o lo tirarías en un cubo con agua, porque podrías miles de excusas y podrías ponerte nervioso todos los que toman este tipo de actitud ya sean hombres o mujeres es porque tienen una doble vida, es porque son unos traidores y hablan con personas que no son su pareja y lo ocultan.

That's why in my humble opinion if you want to get married or live with someone the best thing is not to have any kind of secret and not even in those of the cell phones, because if your partner wants to see your mobile then it would bother you, because you would break it against the floor or throw it in a bucket with water, because you could thousands of excuses and you could be nervous all those who take this kind of attitude whether men or women is because they have a double life, is because they are traitors and talk to people who are not your partner and hide it.

Porque yo digo que no debe haber secretos si vives en pareja, porque en las redes sociales siempre habrá gente más guapa, con mejores cuerpos, con más dinero, con mejores trabajos que solo.Buscando solo pasar el Rato, pero nunca queriendo algo serio.Cada uno tiene sus principios y su moral.Para mi un hombre que va por ahí engañando a su pareja es una persona que no vale una moneda, no es una persona digna de respeto y una mujer que se acuesta con cualquiera es una persona sin autoestima ni valía propia ahora cada uno puede vivir como quiera, pero el problema es porque no se muestran tal y como son y conviven con gente de su misma condición.el mundo esta loco, porque los que estan casados envidian a los solteros y los solteros envidian a los que estan casados, pero no entienden que cada apto por mas pequeño que sea lo vamos a pagar en esta vida o en la otra.

Because I say that there should be no secrets if you live as a couple, because in social networks there will always be people more beautiful, with better bodies, with more money, with better jobs than alone.Looking just to pass the Rato, but never wanting something serious Everyone has their principles and their morals.For me a man who goes around cheating on his partner is a person who is not worth a coin, is not a person worthy of respect and a woman who sleeps with anyone is a person without self-esteem or self worth now everyone can live as they want, but the problem is because they do not show themselves as they are and live with people of the same condition.the world is crazy, because those who are married envy the singles and the singles envy those who are married, but they don't understand that we are going to pay for every apt, no matter how small it may be, in this life or in the next.


The photos published in this blog are my own property.
Las fotos publicadas en este blog son de mi propiedad


Having the right partner can play a huge role in our lives, as it gives us peace of mind and more.

When we're open to one another without secret and the likes, it build trust and respect for one another.

If you are right, respect in all aspects and do not have hidden things or phone or social networks, because there are people who unfortunately have a relationship, but leads a double life in social networks want to have a relationship, but hidden lead a single life