Hello sweetheart @temmyttee
What a stressful experience you went through, but how nice that in all those hard moments, you found the strength to move forward and be an example of a peaceful and tolerant person.
Something that caught my attention was your positive mentality in the face of suffering and pain, and I always repeat it to myself and tell it to others:
We can't control the actions of others, but we can control our own. And that makes you a beautiful person, don't forget it!
Thank you for having the courage to share with us your experience, and support the theme of the month.
A giant hug in the distance 🤗🌼😘.
Uhn uhn🥰this is so heartwarming @elizpc
Exactly the point! We can only control the way we react to situations surrounding us.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really do appreciate it. Thanks for the engagement😘
You're welcome my beautiful 🤗 thanks to you for the support in the community.