2024 gratitude journal.

Dear 2024.

"It has come to my notice that you will be winding down soon, I believe that should be in less that twenty-seven days from now. I still cannot fully grasp how you moved so fast that now you are rounding off your calendar because it still feels like yesterday when I joined so many happy people to usher you in. I still remember all I did on new year's day and I still remember setting aspirations for myself for the year".

Though, your coming brought a lot of expectations and anticipations, it was like those aspirations would not come to pass with the way certain policies were enacted. But I want to say thank you to "you" because I still scaled through every one of the harsh economic policies that crept up and although I couldn't achieve all my goals, I scaled through 70% of what I penned down and that's a plus for me".

"Thank you 2024, for teaching me to prioritize myself and my health especially during those periods when I worked my ass off,all for a meagre remuneration at the end of the month. I had a clear lesson from that and I learnt it hard and well. My health would have failed and my body would have broken down but you whispered "rest" into my ears and because I heeded your words, nothing of the sort happened."

"Dear 2024, I still want to thank you for bringing me into beautiful relationships. I consider myself so blessed because of the wonderful people in my circle this year. These beautiful people filled my life with so much happiness and I can't wait to round up the year in grand style with them".

"Dear 2024, I received beautiful gifts this year from so many well wishers and even from uncommon quarters, sources I never expected such. My joy knows no bounds when I recall how one after the other, my coffers were full. People favoured me left, right and centre".

"Dear 2024, I still want to thank you for my family both immediate amd extended. There was no record of loss or sickness or even hospitalization. My daughter moved to a higher class and she is set to take on an external examination soon. My siblings are all thriving in their various fields and doing well for themselves too. There was no weeping or mourning in our household. This is a miracle and I am so appreciative of it".

"Dear 2024, while the economy was harsh and many could not even afford a meal, I and my household were and are still able to put together something to eat daily. So many businesses have shut down this year but my business is still stable and hopefully it would thrive".

Dear 2024, I witnessed the students I tutored move from primary school to secondary school. I was so happy that they all came out in flying colours and they were able to enter a higher class. All ten of them passed their first school leaving certificate examinations and I couldn't be more proud".

"Dear 2024, I also learnt to imbibe and prioritize self care and prioritize my mental health. I learnt to avoid stressors and triggers of mental stress. I learnt to laugh more, choose happiness more and choose me more, more than I chose money or any other thing. I also learnt to appreciate the people in my life who fill my life with so much happiness. I learnt the real essence of quality relationships and avoided time wasters".

"Dear 2024, I kick started a unique savings plan this year unlike the one I was used to and I also ventured into a more profitable online business this year. My financial intelligence increased greatly".

I have so many things to be thankful for in 2024 but mostly I am glad I'm seeing the year round up and not the other way round. Im also glad that my entire household is safe and sound and happy. This is mor than money can buy. So, thank you 2024.

here.Thank you all for reading. This is my entry to the #decwmberinleoinitiative for day 3. Feel free to participate

Images used are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I can't believe 2024 is almost over. It has flown and the honey almost flowed, we need to give it a little big push in 2025!
Loving those pics, colour coordinated blues and looking like an African queen in yellow with your headdress!


Thank you so much boss for all the compliments. I'm blushing from ear to ear right now and unashamed.

Let the honey flow 😂😂

Hello @beckyroyal

We are glad to have you in our community. 💗

Have you been able to visit our post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉 (PeakD version)

Thank you for your love and support 🌞